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Session Laws, 1970
Volume 695, Page 2373   View pdf image
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ROCKVILLE                                               2373

Section 48-10A. Absentee Voting

(a)   Who may vote.

The following persons may vote as an absentee voter under the pro-
visions herein:

(1)    Any qualified voter who may be unavoidably absent from the
State of Maryland for any reason on any municipal election day;

(2)  Any qualified voter who as a condition of his employment may be
required to be absent a distance of greater than seventy-five (75) miles
from his place of residence on any municipal election day; and

(3)  Any qualified voter who is a full-time and regular student in a
bona fide school, college, hospital or similar institution and who is unavoid-
ably absent from the City of Rockville; and

(4)  Any qualified person as defined in subsection (b) of this Section.

(b)   Voting by ill and disabled persons.

(1)  Application and medical certificate; procedure for voting. Any
qualified voter whose physical disability confines him to a hospital or
causes him to be confined to bed and prevents or will prevent him from
being present and personally voting at the polls on any municipal elec-
tion day shall also be entitled to vote as an absentee voter under this
subsection. Such voter shall make application for an absentee ballot as
provided in subsection (d) of this Section and in addition shall obtain
a certificate from a duly licensed physician of the State of Maryland.
The certificate shall state that the voter is mentally competent to vote
in elections in this State, and that because of illness or injury which
confines him to a hospital or causes him to be confined to bed, the voter
is now, or will be, prevented from voting personally at the election.
The certificate shall be received and filed, together with the application,
in the office of the board of supervisors of elections not later than ten
(10) days prior to any election. Thereafter the board shall mail to the
voter entitled thereto an absentee ballot. In all other respects, absentee
voting as provided for in this section shall be similar to and controlled
by the applicable procedure provided by law for absentee voting.

(2)  Assistance in marking ballot, etc. Any otherwise qualified voter
who is blind, physically disabled or who has impaired vision and is for
one of these reasons unable to mark his absentee ballot and sign the
required oath, may be assisted in voting by any person selected by the
voter. Any person rendering assistance pursuant to this subsection shall
execute the certification set forth in subsection (h) (8) of this section.

(c)  Elections in which absentee voters may vote.

This subsection applies to elections for all candidates, charter amend-
ments and other questions at any election held in any year.

(d)  Applications for absentee ballots.

(1) Required; contents. A qualified voter desiring to vote at any elec-
tion as an absentee voter shall make application in writing to the board for
an absentee ballot, which application must be received not later than ten
(10) days before the election. The application shall contain an affidavit,
which shall set forth the following information:


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Session Laws, 1970
Volume 695, Page 2373   View pdf image
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