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Session Laws, 1970
Volume 695, Page 2374   View pdf image
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2374                               Municipal Charters

(i)  The voter's name and residence address, including the street and
number, if any, or rural route, if any:

(ii) That the person is a qualified voter at the residence address

(iii) If the person voted at the preceding election, the residence ad-
dress from which he voted; and

(iv) That the voter expects in good faith to be unable to vote in
person for any of the reasons set out in subsection (a) of this Section.

(2)  Who may administer oaths. Only the members of the board
and employees designated by it in writing for such purpose and any
notary public or other officer authorized to administer oaths, including
any person authorized by federal law to administer oaths, shall have
authority to administer the oath to any voter making the affidavit re-
quired in an application for an absentee ballot.

(e) Application forms.

(1)  Printed forms of applications for absentee ballots in accordance
with the requirements of this subsection shall be provided by the board
and shall be available to anyone upon request.

(2)   (i) The application for an absentee voter who is absent from the
State of Maryland or who is unable to vote in person because of physical
disability as defined in subsection (b) of this Section, either of whom
is a qualified voter, shall be in the following form:


Board of Supervisors of Elections of the City of Rockville

I,........................................, hereby apply for a City of Rockville Ab-

(Print Name)

sentee Ballot for the Election to be held ....................................................

(Date of Election)

My home address is ........................................, Rockville, Montgomery

County, Maryland.            (No. and Street or RFD)

I am not now registered and I will be 18 years old or older on..............,

and                                                                            (Date of Election)

I desire that the ballot be sent to me at the following address:

(Sign Name)

(Military Rank or Other Status
if any, or the Spouse Of)

(Military Rank or other Status)

Subscribed and swore to (or affirmed) before me this of

........., 19.........


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Session Laws, 1970
Volume 695, Page 2374   View pdf image
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