2370 Municipal Charters
Section 3. That the Mayor of the City of Rockville is hereby spe-
cifically directed to carry out the provisions of Section 2 hereof regarding
the giving of notice by posting and publication of this Resolution, and as
evidence of said compliance, the Clerk to the Mayor and Council shall
cause to be affixed to the Minutes of this meeting a certificate of such
posting and of such publication, and the Mayor, if there be no Petition
for Referendum, shall declare the Charter Amendment hereby made to
be effective on the date herein provided for, which is April 15, 1969,
by affixing his signature hereto in the space provided below the effective
date hereof.
Section 4. That if a proper Petition for Referendum on the Charter
Amendment herein proposed is filed, the Mayor and other proper officials
of the City of Rockville shall comply with all the applicable provisions
of Sections 13 to 17, inclusive, of Article 23A of the Annotated Code
of Maryland (1966 Replacement Volume).
Section 5. That as soon as the Charter Amendment hereby made shall
become effective, whether as herein provided or following a referendum,
the Mayor shall send separately, by registered mail, to the Secretary
of State of Maryland, and to the Department of Legislative Reference
of Maryland, a complete certified copy of the text of this Resolution,
the date the referendum, if any, is held, a certificate showing the number
of councilmen voting for and against it, and a report on the votes cast
for or against the amendment hereby enacted at any referendum thereon
and the effective date of the Charter Amendment.
The Charter Amendment enacted by the aforegoing Resolution becomes
effective this 15th day of April, 1969.
Jean R. Horneck, City Clerk Achilles M. Tuchtan
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the aforegoing is a true and correct
copy of a Resolution adopted by the Mayor and Council of Rockville at
its meeting of February 24, 1969.
Jean R. Horneck
City Clerk
Resolution No. 17-69, April 1, 1969
Resolution to provide for the enlarging of the Corporate Boundaries
of the City of Rockville to include 25.4 acres, Nicholson-Trail Property
and James W. Bullard Property
Whereas, heretofore a Petition has been presented to the Mayor and
Council of Rockville, proposing to enlarge the corporate boundaries of the
City of Rockville so as to include an area encompassing parts of tracts
of land known as the Nicholson-Trail Property and the James W. Bullard
Property containing 25.4 acres of land, more or less, located north of
Falls Road, west of Route 70S, and generally west of existing corporate
boundaries; and thereafter upon verification of the requirements of sub-
section (c) of Article 23A of the Annotated Code of Maryland, 1957
Edition, as amended, had been complied with, a resolution was introduced
proposing to change the boundaries as requested in the Petition; and