Resolution No. 9-69
Charter Amendment No. 18, February 24, 1969
Resolution to amend Section 48-7, (a) - Registration; Transfer of
Records; Appeal Charter of the City of Rockville. To provide for
striking names of voters from registration lists after failure to vote
in two successive elections.
A Resolution of the Mayor and Council of Rockville, Maryland, to
amend Section 48-7. (a) of the Charter of the City of Rockville,
Whereas, pursuant to Sections 11 to 18, inclusive, of Article 23A of
the Annotated Code of Maryland (1957 Edition, as amended), The Mayor
and Council of Rockville has authority to amend its said Charter in the
particulars hereinafter set forth; and
Whereas, this Resolution is adopted to conform with the procedure for
the amendment of charters of municipal corporations prescribed in Sec-
tion 11 to 18, inclusive, of Article 23A;
Section 1. That Section 48-7. (a) of the Charter of the City of
Rockville be and the same is hereby repealed and re-enacted, with amend-
ments, to read as follows:
"Section 48-7. (a). Registration; Transfer of Records; Appeal.
(a) Qualified citizens may register at the established administrative
offices of the city on any day in which those offices are open for official
business and at such additional times and places as may be designated
by the board of supervisors of elections, subject to the exception that
no person may register or transfer within thirty days preceding or ten
days following any general or special election. The board shall appoint
as registrar one of the classified employees of the city from an office
designated by the city manager. Said registrar shall have all the powers
and duties, including that of administering oaths, to properly register
any qualified citizen. Registration shall be permanent, and no person
shall be entitled to vote in city elections unless he is registered. It shall
be the duty of the board of supervisors of elections to keep the regis-
tration lists up to date by striking from the lists the names of persons
known to have died or to have moved out of the city, or who shall
have failed to vote in [three] two successive general elections. The
council shall, by ordinance, adopt and enforce such provisions as may be
necessary to establish and maintain a system of permanent registration.
Registration lists shall be available for inspection by the public under
such rules as the council may determine."
Section 2. That the date of passage of this Resolution is February
24, 1969, and the amendment of the Charter of the City of Rockville,
hereby enacted shall become effective on April 15, 1969, unless a proper
Petition for Referendum hereon shall be filed as provided by Section 13
of Article 23A of the Annotated Code of Maryland (1966 Replacement
Volume) and provided a complete and exact copy of this Resolution shall
be continually posted on the bulletin board of the Office of the Mayor
and Council, 111 South Perry Street, Rockville, Maryland, until April
5, 1969, and provided further that a full summary of the proposed amend-
ment shall be published in the Montgomery County Sentinel, a newspaper
of general circulation in the City of Rockville, not less than four times
at weekly intervals prior to April 5, 1969.