New Carrollton 2355
"All elections to fill the office of Mayor and Councilman shall be on
non-partisan basis, shall be by ballot, and shall be held on the first Monday
in May of every year. No person shall be allowed to vote in any election
in said Town except those persons whose names shall appear upon the
register of voters. The Board of Elections shall appoint prior to May,
1954, and annually thereafter one judge and one clerk, who shall them-
selves be registered voters, to conduct the election in such place as may
be designated by the Mayor and Council. The polls shall be open from
the hour of [seven o'clock a.m.] nine o'clock a.m. to the hours of nine
o'clock p.m., when they shall be closed, and no ballots shall be deposited
in the ballot box after that time. The said judge and clerk shall conduct
such elections, canvass the ballots and certify the results in the manner
prescribed by the General Election Laws of this State for State and
County elections, except that said judge and clerk shall within twenty-
four hours after each election, deliver into the hands of the Mayor one
certificate or return of the result of the canvass of the ballots as cast in
the election, together with the tally sheet, and shall deliver another certifi-
cate or return of the result of said canvass, together with the other
tally sheet into the hands of the Mayor Pro Tern, and shall deliver the
ballot box containing the ballots, properly sealed, to the Administrative
Officer in person, who shall retain the same for six months. The returns
shall be received by the Mayor and Council at their first meeting succeeding
the election, and they shall determine all cases arising thereunder, except
as otherwise may be provided, and any voter who feels he has been ag-
grieved by any ruling as to the eligibility of his right to vote may file an
appeal to the Circuit Court for Prince George's County, Maryland, and the
same shall be determined by said Court."
CIL ON December 17, 1969.
John F. King, Mayor
Earl C. Klinger, Administrative Officer
Charter Amendment No. 70-4
Whereas the City Charter presently provides that nominating peti-
tions for elective officers of the City be filed no later than fifteen days
prior to the election and this time is felt to be inadequate for the public
to be made aware of the issues and the candidates and
Whereas the Board of Elections has recommended to the Mayor and
City Council that the file date for these petitions be set at no later than
noon of the 30th day preceding the election and
Whereas the Mayor and City Council now proposes to amend the
City Charter in accordance with the recommendations of the Board of