Church Hill 2297
be required by the Commission. His compensation shall be determined
by the Commission. The Town shall have the power to employ such legal
consultants as it deems necessary from time to time.
53. (Authority to Employ Personnel.) The Town shall have the pow-
er to employ such officers and employees as it deems necessary to execute
the powers and duties provided by this Charter or other State law and
to operate the Town government.
54. (Retirement System.) The Town shall have the power to do
all things necessary to include its officers and employees, or any of them,
within any retirement system or pension system under the terms of which
they are admissible, and to pay the employer's share of the cost of any
such retirement or pension system out of the general funds of the Town.
55. (Compensation of Employees.) The compensation of all officers
and employees of the Town shall be set from time to time by a reso-
lution passed by the Commission, subject to the restrictions imposed upon
establishing the salaries of the Commission.
56 (Employee Benefit Program.) The Town is authorized and
empowered, to provide for or participate in hospitalization or other forms
of benefit or welfare programs for its officers and employees, and to
expend public monies of the Town for such programs.
57. (Definition of Public Ways.) The term "public ways" as used
in this Charter shall include all streets, avenues, roads, highways, public
thoroughfares, lanes, and alleys.
58. (Control of Public Ways.) The Town shall have control of all
public ways of the Town. Subject to the laws of the State of Maryland
and this Charter, the Town may do whatever it deems necessary to es-
tablish, operate, and maintain in good condition the public ways of the
59. (Public Ways: Powers.) (a) The Town shall have the power:
(b) To establish, regulate, and change from time to time the grade
lines, width, and construction materials of any public way or part there-
of, bridge, curbs, and gutters.
(c) To grade, lay out, construct, open, extend, and make new
public ways.
(d) To grade, straighten, widen, alter, improve, or close up any
existing public way or part thereof.
(e) To pave, surface, repave, or resurface any public way or part
thereof, and to provide for all necessary removal therefrom of snow,
ice and debris.
(f) To install, construct, reconstruct, repair and maintain curbs and/
or gutters along any public way or part thereof.
(g) To construct, reconstruct, maintain, and repair bridges,
(h) To name public ways.
(i) To have surveys, plans, specifications, and estimates made for
any of the above activities or projects or parts thereof.