2298 Municipal Charters
60. (Sidewalks: Powers.) (a) The Town shall have the power:
(b) To establish, regulate, and change from time to time the grade
lines, width and construction materials of any sidewalk or part thereof
along any public way or part thereof.
(c) To grade, lay out, construct, reconstruct, pave, repave, repair,
extend, or otherwise alter sidewalks along any public way or part thereof.
(d) To require that the owners of any property abutting on a side-
walk keep the sidewalk clear of all ice, snow, and other obstructions.
(e) To require and order the owner of any property abutting on any
public way in the Town to perform any projects authorized by this sec-
tion at the owner's expense according to reasonable plans and specifications.
If, after due notice the owner fails to comply with the order within
a reasonable time, the Town may do the work, and the expense shall
be a lien on the property and shall be collectible in the same manner
as are Town Taxes or by suit at law.
61. (Powers.) The Town shall have the power to acquire, establish,
design, construct, reconstruct, expend, extend, alter, improve, operate,
maintain and repair a water supply and distribution system, a sanitary
sewer system, a storm water drainage system, and a sanitary disposal plant,
system or stabilization lagoon, within or without the corporate limits
of the Town, and to take any and all action necessary or appropriate
thereto, including the making of surveys, plans, specifications and esti-
mates. The Town may by ordinance regulate the use and operation of
any such plant or system or part thereof in any manner it deems to be
in the public interest.
62. (Placing Structures in Public Ways.) Any public service cor-
poration, company, or individual, before beginning any construction of
or placing of or changing the location of any main, conduit, pipe, or
other structure in the public ways of the town, shall submit plans to
the Town and obtain written approval upon such conditions and subject
to such reasonable limitations as may be imposed by the Town. Any
public service corporation, company, or individual violating the provisions
of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. If any unauthorized
main, conduit, pipe or other structure interferes with the operation of
the water, sewerage, or storm water systems, the Town may order it
63. (Obstructions.) All individuals, firms, or corporations having
mains, pipes, conduits, or other structures, in, on, or over any public
way in the Town or in the County which impede the establishment,
construction, or operation of any Town sewer or water main shall, upon
reasonable notice, remove or adjust the obstructions at their own expense
to the satisfaction of the Town. If necessary to carry out the provisions
of this section, the Town may use its condemnation powers provided in
Section 77. Any violation of an ordinance passed under the provisions
of this section may be made a misdemeanor.
64. (Entering on County Public Ways.) The Town may enter upon
or do construction, in, on, or over any public way for the purpose of
installing or repairing any equipment or doing any other things nec-
essary to establish, operate, and maintain the water system, water plant,
sanitary sewerage system, sewage treatment plant, or storm water sewers
provided for in this Charter.