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Session Laws, 1970
Volume 695, Page 2031   View pdf image
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Marvin Mandel, Governor                       2031

one (½) per cent by weight of stabilizer or emulsifier composed of
wholesome edible material. The finished product shall contain not
less than seventeen (17%) per cent by weight of total food solids.

This confection must be manufactured in the form of servings,
individually packaged, bagged or otherwise wrapped, properly label-
ed and purveyed to the consumer in its original factory-filled pack-

In the production of these quiescently frozen confections, no proc-
essing or mixing prior to the quiescent freezing shall be used that
develops in the finished confection mix any physical expansion in
excess of (10%) per cent.

(j) "Quiescently frozen dairy confections" means a clean and
wholesome frozen product made from water, milk products and
sugar, with added pure or imitation flavoring, with or without added
harmless coloring, with or without added stabilizer and with or with-
out added emulsifier; and in the manufacture of which freezing
has not been accompanied by stirring or agitation. It contains not
less than thirteen (13%) per cent by weight of total milk solids, not
less than thirty-three (33%) per cent by weight of total food solids,
not more than one half of (½) one per cent by weight of stabilizer,
and not more than one-fifth (1/5%) percent of weight by emulsifier.
Stabilizer and emulsifier must be composed of wholesome, edible

This confection must be manufactured in the form of servings,
individually packaged, bagged or otherwise wrapped, properly label-
ed, and purveyed to the consumer in its original factory-filled pack-


(a)    Frozen desserts mean any or all of the following: Ice
cream, artificially sweetened ice cream, artificially sweetened ice
milk, ice milk, frozen custard, French ice cream, French custard
ice cream, mellorine, parevine, sherbet, water or fruit ice, Lo-Mel,
quiescently frozen confections, quiescently frozen dairy confections,
and any products which are similar in appearance, odor, or taste to
such products or are prepared or frozen as such products are cus-
tomarily prepared or frozen together with the mixes used in such
products and for which a standard has been promulgated by the

(b)    [a] Imitation frozen desserts [ice cream]; definitions.—
Imitation frozen desserts [ice cream] shall not be sold, possessed,
advertised or offered or exposed for sale by anyone at any time.

[Frozen desserts mean any or all of the following: ice cream,
artificially sweetened ice cream, artificially sweetened ice milk, ice
milk, frozen custard, mellorine, parevine, sherbet, water or fruit ice,
Lo-Mel, and quiescently frozen confections and quiescently frozen
dairy confections. Frozen desserts mean the mix used in the freez-
ing of the above-mentioned frozen foods and ices.]


The definition and standards heretofore provided pursuant to

former Sections 193 (b-i), (b-ii), (b-iii), (b-iiii), (c), (c-1-i),

(c-1-ii), (c-1-iii), (c-1-iiii), (d), (e-i), (e-ii), (f-i), (f-ii), (f-iii),


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Session Laws, 1970
Volume 695, Page 2031   View pdf image
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