2032 Laws of Maryland Ch. 725
(g-i), (g-ii), (g-iii), (i), (j) shall be the definitions and standards
of the Secretary until such time as the Secretary, as provided in
Section 192, shall have amended such definitions and standards.
[(b)] (C) Manufacturer's license—Application.—Each manu-
facturer of the frozen dairy foods and ices mentioned in this law or of
frozen dairy foods and ices mix, whenever sold or offered for sale in
the counties in this State shall file with the State Board of Health
an application for a license upon a form prescribed by the said
Board. The application shall show the location of each plant at
which frozen dairy foods and ices and frozen dairy foods and ices
mix are to be manufactured and the name of the brand or brands,
if any, under which the same are to be sold.
(c) (D) Same—Fee; inspection of property; issuance and dura-
tion.—When any such application, accompanied by the license fee of
$10.00 shall have been properly filed with the State Board of Health
it shall be the duty of the Board to inspect all properties identified
in such application, together with all buildings and equipment, un-
less such properties are located beyond the limits of the area of
routine inspection performed by such Board; and if such property,
buildings and equipment be found to conform to the regulations of
the Board, a separate license for each property so approved shall
forthwith be issued to the applicant. Such licenses shall be non-
transferable, and shall be valid only for a period of twelve months
from the date thereof or until revoked or suspended according to
the provisions of this subtitle. Where the property identified in
any application is located beyond the limits of routine inspection
by the Board, no permit therefor shall be issued unless and until
such applicant shall satisfy such Board, that the property, build-
ings and equipment conform, and that the operation of the
same, and the frozen dairy foods and ices or dairy foods and ices
mix there to be produced, processed or frozen for sale will one and
all conform to local health authority requirements where manufac-
tured, which are at least equivalent to those set forth in this sub-
title and in the rules and regulations issued thereunder.
(d) (E) Same—Notice to licensee of violations.—Whenever the
State Board of Health shall find that any of the provisions of this
subtitle, has been violated by the holder of any license issued by
such Board, or that such violation has occurred or is occurring on
any premises for which such license is issued, said Board shall forth-
with give notice to such license holder in writing, setting forth the
nature of such violation, and directing that such violation shall
cease, and if such holder shall refuse or fail to comply with such
notice, the Board may thereupon suspend or revoke such license.
(e) (F) Same—Appeals.—Any applicant for a license, or any li-
cense holder who shall feel aggrieved by the action of said Board in
failing to issue or in revoking or suspending such license, may take an
appeal therefrom to any court having equity jurisdiction in the county
in which the property identified by the application or license is
located if within the counties of Maryland, or to a court having
such jurisdiction in the City of Baltimore if said property is located
in said city, or outside the State of Maryland. Such appeal shall be
heard by such court as promptly as circumstances will reasonably
permit. Such hearing may be had upon the record so transmitted
but the court may hear such additional evidence as it may deem
proper, and upon the conclusion of such hearing the court may af-