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Session Laws, 1970
Volume 695, Page 2030   View pdf image
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2030                        Laws of Maryland                       Ch. 725

less optional ingredients as approved by the State Department of
Health may be used to prevent fat oxidation in an amount not ex-
ceeding one twentieth of one per centum of the weight of the finished

(ii) The term "dispensing freezer" means that type of equip-
ment which freezes ice cream, sherbet, milk shakes or other frozen
confections so they are served in a soft condition for sale to the

(iii) "Milk products" is any clean and wholesome milk cream
and all forms of milk fat and any clean and wholesome milk solids
not fat. This definition relates only to frozen products.

(g) (i) "Stabilizers" or emulsifiers are pure edible gelatins or
vegetable gums or any other wholesome edible materials and in such
amounts as may be approved by the State Board of Health.

(ii) Artificial sweetener is a pure edible product which is made
synthetically and has no calorie value. Provided, that nothing con-
tained in this definition shall be construed as barring any artificial
sweetener other than those mentioned in this law, which has been
demonstrated to be equally as efficient and which has been approved
by the State Board of Health and Mental Hygiene.

(iii) Microcrystalline cellulose may be used as an optional in-
gredient in ice cream, frozen custard, ice milk, artificially sweeten-
ed ice cream, artificially sweetened ice milk, mellorine and parevine
as defined in this subtitle, in an amount not to exceed one and one-
half per centum by weight of the finished product. Microcrystal-
line cellulose may be used as an optional ingredient in sherbet, water
ice or fruit ice as defined in this subtitle, in an amount not to exceed
one-half per centum of the weight of the finished product. When
microcrystalline cellulose is used it may not be included as part of
the required weight of food solids or finished product weight of any
product in which it is used. When microcrystalline cellulose is used
the label shall bear the statement "Microcrystalline cellulose added"
or "with microcystalline cellulose."]

(h) (B) "Imitation [ice cream] frozen dessert" is any frozen sub-
stance, mixture or compound regardless of the name under which it
is represented, which is made in imitation or semblance of [ice
cream] a frozen dessert, or is prepared or frozen as [ice cream]
a frozen dessert is customarily prepared or frozen, and which is not
[ice cream, artificially sweetened ice cream, artificially sweetened
ice milk, ice milk, frozen custard, mellorine, parevine, sherbert,
water ice or fruit ice, Lo-Mel, or quiescently frozen confections, and
quiescently frozen dairy confections, as they are defined in this sec-
tion.] a frozen dessert for which a standard has been promulgated
by the Secretary of Health and Mental Hygeine, or which does not
comply with standards promulgated by the Secretary.

[(i) "Quiescently frozen confections" means a clean and whole-
some frozen, sweetened, flavored product in the manufacture of
which freezing has not been accompanied by stirring or agitation.
This confection may be acidulated with harmless organic acid, may
contain milk solids, may be made with or without added harmless
pure or imitation flavoring, with or without added harmless color-
ing. The finished product may contain not more than one half of


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Session Laws, 1970
Volume 695, Page 2030   View pdf image
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