Marvin Mandel, Governor 2029
"stabilizer" or "emulsifier" composed of wholesome edible material.
It shall contain not less than three per centum nor more than five
per centum by weight of total milk solids and weigh not less than
five and one-half pounds per gallon.
(e) (i) "Parevine" means a pure clean frozen product made
from a combination of food fats, water, one or more protein or car-
bohydrate food ingredients from other than milk, milk products,
meat or their derivatives, optional sweetening ingredients other than
lactose as approved by the State Department of Health with or
without eggs or egg products, harmless flavoring, with or without
harmless coloring and with or without added vegetable stabilizer
or vegetable emulsifier. It shall contain not more than one half of
one per centum by weight of stabilizer and not more than one fifth
of one per centum by weight of emulsifier. Parevine shall contain
no milk or meat products or their derivatives. It shall contain not
less than ten percent food fat except when fruit, nuts, cocoa, choco-
late, maple syrup, cakes or confections are used for the purpose of
flavoring, then such reduction in food fat as is due to the addition
of such flavors shall be permitted, but in no such case shall it con-
tain less than eight per centum by weight of food fat. In no case
shall any parevine weigh less than four and one-half pounds per
gallon and contain less than one and three tenths (1.3) pounds of
total food solid per gallon. Parevine shall be sold, held, or offered for
sale by any manufacturer, wholesaler, retailer or any other seller
only in properly labeled factory-filled containers not larger than
one gallon. Parevine may be served for consumption on the
premises, provided the individual service is taken from a properly
labeled factory-filled container no larger than one gallon. When
parevine is served on the premises a sign must be displayed which
shall read "Parevine Served Here" in letters that can be read by
consumers under normal conditions of use. Such sign shall include
a list of all ingredients in a manner prescribed by the State De-
partment of Health, provided, however, that the type of food fat
used must be specified in letters that can be read by consumers
and, provided further, that the type of food fat ingredient or in-
gredients shall be identified as to specific source. Optionally, all in-
formation required to be printed on the sign may be printed on a
menu when a menu is provided each consumer. The label on pack-
ages of parevine shall, in addition to other required information,
include the name "Parevine" in a conspicuous manner and shall in-
clude a complete list of all ingredients in a manner prescribed by the
State Department of Health, provided, however, that the type of
food fat used must be specified.
(ii) ''Water ice or fruit ice" is a pure, clean, frozen prod-
uct made from sugar, dextrose, corn syrup in dry or liquid form,
water and harmless fruit or fruit juice flavoring and with or with-
out harmless coloring, with not less than 0.35 of one per centum of
fruit acid, as determined by titrating with standard alkali and
expressed as lactic acid, and with or without added "stabilizer" or
"emulsifier" composed of wholesome edible material. It shall contain
no milk solids and weigh not less than five and one-half pounds per
(f) (i) "Food fats" for the purpose of this definition and
standard are edible natural fats derived from vegetable sources.
Such food fats may be hydrogenated or nonhydrogenated. Harm-