Marvin Mandel, Governor 1575
within a twelve month period, MAY be fined not more than five
hundred dollars ($500.00) or MAY BE sentenced to six months'
imprisonment, or both.
157. Special provisions on certain waters.
(a) Section [155] 154, relating to distance from shore, shall
not apply to the waters of the Chesapeake Bay opposite the shore line
of Anne Arundel and Calvert Counties on the western side of said
Bay, and to the waters of Brannock's Bay, Trippe's Bay or Todd's
Bay in Dorchester County, nor to the waters of the Chesapeake Bay
adjacent to Poplar Island, in Coache's Neck, nor to the waters lying
north of a straight line drawn from Black Walnut Point to Benoni's
Point in Talbot County, nor to the waters of Prospect Bay in Queen
[Ch. 987, Acts 1945; Ch. 692, Acts 1951]
(a) A bona fide resident of this State, or a non-resident owner
of land bordering on the Potomac River, or on any other waters, his
lessee or licensee, may erect, set, or maintain a booby, brush, or stake
blind as provided in this subheading after first obtaining a license
so to do from the clerk of the circuit court of the County in which said
blind is located opposite the shore thereof, and said clerk is author-
ized to issue said license upon payment by the applicant the sum of
Five Dollars ($5.00) and in addition to the license fees so received
the clerk issuing same shall collect and retain the sum of Fifty
Cents (50¢), in lieu of all other compensation, as the clerk's fee.
The clerk of the court shall not issue to any one person license to
erect, set, or maintain more than two booby, brush, or stake blinds in
or over the waters of this State, however, the issuance of two blinds
shall not apply to copartnership, associations, or corporations. Such
license shall be void on the thirtieth day of June of each year follow-
ing the date of issuance. Said clerk shall not issue a license for any
blind until July 1st of each year and shall issue license in rotation as
applications are received. Said applicant for said license shall certify
in writing to said clerk when making application for said license
that he is the owner, of the legal amount of shore front as required
by law, and if a lessee or licensee making application for license on
or before October 10 of each year he shall present to said clerk a
written permission from the owner of the shore, or his authorized
agent, where said applicant desires a license to erect said blind or
blinds on the waters off shore of said owner's property, for use of
shore front for purpose of erecting a blind or blinds on shore or
water and shall certify that the owner of said shore has the required
distance of shore line in conformance with the law. Such license
shall not be transferable and if used or presented by any person
other than the person to whom it was issued such license shall be
confiscated by the Director or any game warden, constable, or other
officer who shall find such licenses being used illegally and the blind
for which said license was issued destroyed.
(b) The clerks of the circuit court of the counties shall on the
first day of July, 1943, and on the first day of each and every month