Marvin Mandel, Governor 1233
Volume, 1969 Supplement), title "Governor—Executive and Admin-
istrative Departments," subtitle "Maryland Arts Council" be and the
same are hereby repealed and re-enacted, with amendments, to read
as follows:
(a) There is hereby created the Maryland Arts Council which
shall be [an executive agency responsible to the Governor] part of
the Department of Economic and Community Development.
(B) (i) Nine members of the Council shall be appointed by the
Secretary of Economic and Community Development, with the ap-
proval of the Governor, for terms of three years each. Initially these
nine members shall be the nine members of that body formerly known
as the Governor's Council on the Arts in Maryland, three of whom
shall be appointed for terms of three years each, three for terms of
two years each and three for terms of one year each, and thereafter
these appointments shall be for three years each. Any member is
eligible for reappointment, but after serving for two consecutive
three-year terms, no member may be reappointed until the expiration
of at least one year after the termination of his previous tenure.
Vacancies shall be filled immediately for the remainder of the unex-
pired portion of the term. Members shall hold office until their suc-
cessor has been appointed.
Meetings of the Council shall be called by the chairman, or the
Secretary of Economic and Community Development [at his discre-
tion]. The Council shall meet at least four times annually.
The Council shall have the power and authority necessary to
carry out the duties imposed upon it by this subtitle and subject to
the approval of the Secretary of Economic and Community Develop-
ment, including but not limited to the following:
(a) Continuing all programs and activities and assuming all as-
sets, liabilities, contracts, leases and other such obligations of the
body formerly known as the Governor's Council on the Arts in
(b) Adopting reasonable rules and regulations to effectuate the
provisions of this subtitle.
(c) Employing an executive director and an assistant director
both of which are unclassified positions and such administrative,
technical, consultative and other personnel as it deems appropriate
at such salaries as may be provided in the annual State budget.
(d) Entering into contracts and agreements.
(e) Engaging services.
(f) Requesting and obtaining from any department, division,
board, bureau, commission or other agency of the State, such as-
sistance and data as will enable it properly to carry out its powers
and duties hereunder.