1224 Laws of Maryland ch. 527
In the performance of its HIS duties, the [Commission] Director,
subject to the approval of the Secretary of Economic and Community
Development, is hereby authorized and empowered to make and enter
into contracts, and to assume such other functions as are necessary
to carry out the provisions of this subtitle that are not inconsistent
with this or other acts. The [Commission] Director, subject to ap-
proval of the Secretary of Economic and Community Development,
may make and enter into contracts with other boards, commissions,
agencies and institutions of this State or other states, upon such
terms as may be mutually agreed upon, to have such studies and
research activities conducted as may be necessary and proper, and is
authorized to pay the cost thereof out of funds which may be ap-
propriated to the [Commission] Division.
The Commission may designate advisory boards or committees
among interested groups of citizens, including those representing
industry, seafood interest, labor, agriculture, railroads and other
forms of transportation and utilities, recreation and other economic
fields as the Commssion COMMISSION and/or the Division may
deem advisable. Such boards or committees shall advise with the
Commission and/or the Division as to its work and the Commission
and/or the Division shall, as far as practicable, cooperate with such
advisory boards or committees to secure the active aid thereof in the
accomplishment of the aims and fulfillment of the duties of the [Com-
mission] Division.
The Commission shall meet regularly and shall hold special
meetings at the call of the [Governor] Secretary of Economic
and Community Development or the chairman. Six members shall
constitute a quorum. The Commission shall adopt such rules and
regulations as it may deem necessary to govern its procedures and
The [Commission] Division is empowered to employ such em-
ployees as its business may require within limits of its appropria-
tion, subject to the provisions of Article 64A of this Code.
Annual reports shall be made and filed with the [Governor] Sec-
retary of Economic and Community Development and members of
the General Assembly, including suggestions and recommendations
for the improvement and advancement of the economic welfare of
the people of the State.
Sec. 3. And be it further enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That Sections 365, 366, 367, 369, 370, 371, 374 of Article
41 of the Annotated Code of Maryland (1957 Edition, 1965 Replace-
ment Volume, 1969 Supplement) title "Governor—Executive and