Marvin Mandel, Governor 1225
Administrative Departments," subtitle "St. Mary's City Commis-
sion" be and the same are hereby repealed and reenacted, with
amendments, to read as follows :
The St. Mary's City Commission is created for the purposes of
preserving, developing, and maintaining historic St. Mary's City,
and with the membership, powers, and duties here provided. The
St. Mary's City Commission shall be under the jurisdiction of the
Department of Economic and Community Development.
The purposes of the St. Mary's City Commission are declared to be
for the general benefit of the citizens of the State of Maryland and
are charitable and educational in nature. The Commission is a body
politic and corporate to be known as the "St. Mary's City Commis-
sion." It is a public agency and instrumentality of the Depart-
ment of Economic and Community Development of the State of
Maryland and shall have perpetual existence, subject to modifica-
tion or abolition by the General Assembly when and if its substantial
purposes cease.
The powers and duties of the St. Mary's City Commission are vested
in and shall be exercised by a body of seven (7) Commissioners.
The Commissioners shall be [initially] appointed by the Secretary
of Economic and Community Development, with the approval of the
Governor, fas follows: one member for a term of one year, one
member for a term of two years, one member for a term of three
years, two members for terms of four years each, and two members]
for terms of five years each, [as the terms of the Commissioners
expire, their successors shall be appointed for terms of five years
each.] Any Commissioner may be appointed to a succeeding term.
If a Commissioner for any reason fails to serve or to complete any
term, a successor shall be appointed for the remainder of the term.
Commissioners shall be selected on the basis of ability, public spirit,
and historical and professional interest; and the membership of
the Commission at all times shall include not fewer than five re-
sidents of the State of Maryland, and not fewer than two residents
of St. Mary's County.
(a) The Commission has the powers and duties listed in this
section and elsewhere in this subtitle or delegated to it by the
Secretary of Economic and Community Development.
(b) To acquire, develop, preserve, and maintain historic, aesthe-
tic, or cultural properties, building, fixtures, furnishings, facilities,
and appurtenances pertaining in any way to historic St. Mary's
City and its environs; and this provision specifically includes the re-
plica of the State House in St. Mary's City.
(c) To acquire and hold real and personal property of such his-
toric, aesthetic, or cultural significance, by gift, purchase, devise or
bequest; to preserve and administer such properties and to charge