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Session Laws, 1970
Volume 695, Page 1208   View pdf image
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1208                             Laws of Maryland                       Ch. 526

Provided, however, that no such distribution shall be made to
said mayor and city council of Baltimore unless it shall have levied,
in its current fiscal year, taxes sufficient to collect a minimum of
one dollar per capita in revenue and unless it shall have certified
a copy of said levy to the State Comptroller; and provided further,
that any monies, otherwise distributable under this section, which
shall not be distributed at the close of the fiscal year of the mayor
and city council of Baltimore because of failure of said mayor and
city council to make such levy or certification, shall revert to the
[Gasoline Tax Fund, to be paid over separately to the State Roads
Commission, for use by the Commission with the other monies re-
ceived from the Gasoline Tax] Transportation Trust Fund. Per capita
revenue shall be computed for purposes of this section by using
the population figures furnished by the latest federal census or by
an official local census, whichever is latest.

(c) (B) As used herein "highway user revenues" shall mean the
funds credited to the Gasoline and Motor Vehicle Fund Account
of the Transportation Trust Fund and shall
include motor vehicle
gasoline tax, motor vehicle titling tax, motor vehicle registration
fees, fines credited to the Motor Vehicle Revenue Fund prior to
July 1, 1970
1971, operators' license fees, titling fees and miscella-
neous revenues of the Department of Motor Vehicles credited to the
Motor Vehicle Revenue Fund prior to July 1, 1971, and fees from
overweight and oversized permits issued by the State Roads Com-
mission after the deductions provided prior to July 1, 1971, in
Article 56, Article 66˝ and Article 81 of the Annotated Code of
Maryland (1957 Edition as amended).


(a) In order to enable the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore
(the "City) and
the several counties of the State to accelerate
programs of construction and reconstruction, to provide local
participating funds for federally aided highway projects,
and to
make major road repairs necessary to eliminate damage caused by
severe and unforeseen weather conditions of county roads, any
county in the State of Maryland may participate in the proceeds
of the sale of bonds by the [State Roads Commission] Department
of Transportation
authorized by this subtitle. As used herein, the
term "county" shall include the Mayor and City Council of Balti-
The [Commission] Department when notified by any county
of the State as hereinafter provided, is hereby authorized to bor-
row money from time to time as hereinafter limited and to evi-
dence such borrowing by the issue of its bonds in form and tenor
substantially as provided in Sections 211B and 211D of this article
and to disburse the proceeds of said borrowing and pay the princi-
pal and interest of said bonds as hereinafter provided. Said bonds
shall be known as ["State Roads Commission] "Department of
—County Highway Construction Bonds—Second Is-
sue." The bonds may be issued by the [Commission] Department,
pursuant to one or more resolutions of the Secretary of Transporta-
from time to time subject to the limitations herein provided.
However, the bonds issued pursuant to this subtitle shall not be in-
cluded in or be considered a part of the amounts [the Commission
is] authorized [to issue] pursuant to the authority granted in
Section 211B of this article.


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Session Laws, 1970
Volume 695, Page 1208   View pdf image
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