Marvin Mandel, Governor 1207
to the project; accounting; supervision; legal expenses; traveling,
transportation and subsistence expenses;
(f) Items of expense not properly covered under the headings
(a) to (e) inclusive, and [shall file] the Secretary of Transporta-
tion shall cause to be filed with the Governor within ninety days
after the end of each fiscal year, or as soon after ninety days as
may be practicable, a complete report which shall be open to pub-
lic inspection, on the status as of the end of such fiscal year of
the State highway construction program, [fund provided for by
Section 32(e) of this subtitle] which report shall be in such form
as may be required by the Governor.
(b) (A) Where the provisions of Sections 29A through 38 and
elsewhere in this article, relating to the distribution and use of high-
way user revenues, hereinafter defined, are in conflict with the
provisions of this section, it is hereby declared to be the legisla-
tive intent that such inconsistency is only to the extent required
to preserve pledges of revenues for the amortization of State high-
way construction bonds and county highway construction bonds
heretofore authorized. Subject to the foregoing, all highway user
revenues, as hereinafter defined in this section, shall be allocated
as follows: A [20%] 17.5% share of the total highway user revenues
shall be distributed monthly to the mayor and city council of Bal-
timore to be used for the purposes set forth in Section 33 of this
article. And [20%] 17.5% of the total highway user revenues after
providing individual county sinking fund requirements for county
highway construction bonds shall be distributed upon warrants of
the State Roads Commission, to the several counties and munici-
palities of the State in accordance with the provisions of Section
34 of Article 89B as amended. Provided, however, that the total
share so allocated to any county shall not be less than the dollar
amount allocated to such individual county from highway user
revenue sources in the fiscal year immediately preceding July 1,
1968. In order to permit time within which a subdivision may
adjust its budgetary position with respect to the inclusion of "in
lieu" funds in the highway user fund distributions, a subdivision
shall be permitted to use from its highway user fund distribution
for general fund purposes a sum not in excess of its previous fis-
cal year allotment of "in lieu" funds. This provision to apply for
a period of one year from July 1, 1968, after which for a period
of four years a subdivision shall be permitted to use from its high-
way user fund distributions for general fund purposes in any fiscal
year either (1) $75,000 or (2) an amount equal to its share of
the "in lieu" fees for the fiscal year immediately preceding the
effective date of the new formula, whichever is less. The [remain-
ing 60%] balance of the highway user revenues after providing
sinking fund requirements for all State highway construction bonds
shall be [credited by the State Comptroller for the account of the
State Roads Commission in a fund to be designated as "State Roads
Commission Construction and Maintenance Fund" hereby created.
Such fund shall include but not be limited to receipts from high-
way user revenues.] retained in the Transportation Trust Fund
established under Article 94A of this Code to be expended as therein