Marvin Mandel, Governor 1201
(f) Such agreements may contain any other provisions agreed
upon by the [Director of Highways] Secretary of Transportation
and the retirement system which are necessary to carry out the
purpose of such agreements as indicated in this section.
(g) The property covered by such agreements may be managed,
controlled, used, rented, or leased by the [State Roads Commission]
Department of Transportation or may be managed by any person,
firm, partnership, association, or corporation under contract with
the [Director of Highways] Secretary of Transportation or may
be operated by the department [through its right-of-way division].
The proceeds of the tax which is imposed by Section 136 (g)
of Article 56 of this Code, calculated and distributed as provided
in Item No. 3 in Section 137 (a) of Article 56 of this Code, shall
be [held by the State Treasurer, for use of the State Roads Com-
mission, (1)] credited to the Transportation Trust Fund estab-
lished under Article 94A of this Code and expended as therein pro-
vided subject always to prior application to the extent required for
debt service on State highway construction bonds, third issue, pur-
suant to Sections 211A-211G, inclusive, of this article [, and (2)]
the balance to be [credited to the Construction Fund which is
constituted and referred to in Section 32(e) of this article, but such
balance shall not be subject to transfer to the Motor Vehicle Revenue
Fund under the provisions of Section 32 (f) of this article].
[Fifty percent of the monies paid into the Gasoline Tax Fund
during any fiscal year shall be held and from time to time dis-
bursed for the account of the State Roads Commission for the fol-
lowing purposes and for such purposes only:
(a) First, to the extent required for debt service on State high-
way construction bonds pursuant to Sections 189 to 210, both in-
clusive, of this article.
(b) The balance, together with any monies transferred from the
Motor Vehicle Revenue Fund under subsection (1) of Section 38
of this article, shall constitute a Construction Fund for the per-
formance, to the extent necessary, of valid and subsisting contracts
heretofore entered into by the Commission and for the construc-
tion or reconstruction of a project or projects as defined in this
subtitle; provided that no expressway shall be constructed to serve
a traffic volume of less than an average of 5,000 vehicles per day,
and no controlled access arterial highway shall be constructed to
serve a traffic volume of less than an average of 3,000 vehicles per
day, such traffic volumes to have been determined over a period
of one year prior to the initiation of the project by procedures
heretofore used by the State Roads Commission to establish densi-
ties of traffic]
[(c)] (a) The State Roads Commission, with the consent of the
[Governor] Secretary of Transportation and under the provisions
of Section 8 of Article 15A may, in any fiscal year, [transfer
from the Construction Fund prescribed in this section] allocate
from the Transportation Trust Fund to a "County Highway Con-