Marvin Mandel, Governor 1197
Commission to be published and the certificates of publication there-
of, and shall perform such other duties as may be imposed upon him
by law or as may be assigned to him by the Chairman of the
The [members] Chairman of the said Commission may also ap-
point from among the employees of the Commission one or more
assistant secretaries who shall receive no additional compensation by
virtue of such appointment. Any assistant secretary so appointed,
in the event of the absence or disability of the secretary or when-
ever so instructed by the chairman of the Commission, shall have all
the powers granted to and all the duties imposed upon the secretary
by any provision of this article; and any act directed to be performed
by an assistant secretary.
(b) The term "State highway system" means that system of
roads which are from time to time owned by the State and which
the State Roads Commission [by resolution from time to time] desig-
nates as State roads to be maintained and operated by the Commis-
(a) All records of said Commission shall be public records[, and
the Commission shall annually, make to the Governor a detailed re-
port of its official transactions, and of all its expenditures and of all
liabilities incurred by it]. The [said] Chairman of the Commission,
with the approval of the Secretary of Transportation, may employ
such chief engineer, assistant engineers, professional or technical
experts, surveyors, agents, assistants, clerks, employees and laborers,
skilled and unskilled, and also such advisers and consultants, as [it]
he may deem requisite for the performance and execution of the
powers and duties imposed and [confined] conferred by law, and
shall fix their respective compensations. Each employee may be cov-
ered by a surety bond in accordance with the provisions of Sections
46 through 50 of Article 78A of this Code. Said [Commissioners]
Chairman may remove any of said person from their positions, but
only in the manner hereinafter provided. And said [Commission]
Chairman may also rent or lease all proper and necessary offices and
other places which [it] he may deem proper and necessary for the
performance of [its] the Commission's duties and the purposes of
law. The said Commission shall keep a journal in which shall be
entered all its proceedings in detail, the correctness of the same to
be attested at each succeeding meeting by the chairman and secre-
tary of the Commission. Said Commission shall also keep books show-
ing in detail all expenditures of money in the State in connection
with the establishment or improvement of roads, and in connection
with all work whatsoever of the Commission, which books and rec-
ords shall be open to the inspection of any taxpayer of the State at
any time. No member of said Commission shall become pecuniarily
interested in any contract for work done or material provided in
connection with any of the work of said Commission. The Chairman
of the Commission may, from time to time, and with the approval of
the Secretary of Transportation, adopt such bylaws and rules of pro-
cedure for the conduct of [its] the Commission's business as [it]