1196 Laws of Maryland Ch. 526
Funds," and "State Roads Commission—County Highway Construc-
tion Bonds—Second Issue," be and they are hereby repealed and re-
enacted, with amendments, all to read as follows:
The State Roads Commission of Maryland shall consist of eight
members to be appointed by the Secretary of Transportation, with
the approval of the Governor. The Commission shall be part of the
Department of Transportation; [One] one of said members shall
be a resident of the Eastern Shore of Maryland; one a resident of
Anne Arundel, Charles, Calvert or St. Mary's county; one a resident
of Carroll, Frederick, Washington, Allegany or Garrett county; one
a resident of Prince George's County, one a resident of Montgomery
County, one a resident of Baltimore, Howard, or Harford county; one
a resident of Baltimore City; and one of said members shall be ap-
pointed from the State at large. The member appointed from the State
at large shall be the chairman of the Commission and shall preside at
the meetings of the Commission. The chairman of the Commission
shall also be known as the Director of Highways for the State of Mary-
land, and shall devote full time to the duties of his office, and shall
perform such duties as are hereinafter in this article prescribed or
are assigned to him by the Secretary of Transportation. At least
two of the members of the Commission shall bona fide belong to and
be affiliated with one of the two leading political parties in the State
opposite to the party to which the Governor belongs. The chairman
(also known as the Director of highways) shall hold office during the
pleasure of the [Governor] Secretary of Transportation. Three of
the six other members shall be appointed for a term of one year be-
ginning June 1, 1959 and the three other members shall be ap-
pointed for a term of two years beginning June 1, 1959 and, at the
end of their respective terms, they or their successors, shall be ap-
pointed for a term of four years and thereafter their terms shall be
four years. The Secretary of Transportation with the approval of
the Governor, shall have the authority to fill any vacancy caused by
death, resignation, incapacity, removal or other cause, and the person
so appointed shall serve for the remainder of the unexpired term.
The members of said Commission shall take the oath prescribed by
Article 1, Section 6 of the State Constitution and shall receive such
compensation as may be provided for in the budget. A majority of
the members of said Commission shall constitute a quorum for the
transaction of business. The full membership of the Commission
shall meet at least twice each month and at such other times as
deemed desirable by the Director or the [Governor] Secretary of
Transportation. The part-time members of the Commission should
conduct a continuing survey of the secondary highways, as said high-
ways are hereinafter defined, of their area, and report such highway
needs and problems, from time to time, to the full Commission.
The members of said Commission, with the approval of the Secre-
tary of Transportation, shall elect a secretary, not a member of the
Commission, who shall receive such compensation as the [Commis-
sion] Secretary of Transportation may determine and as may be
provided in the budget. He shall make and carefully preserve full
and accurate minutes of all meetings and records of all proceedings
and enter same in the journal of the Commission. The secretary shall
make true copies of all notices directed by the Chairman of the