1198 Laws of Maryland Ch. 526
he may deem necessary, and [it] he is authorized to establish such
departments within the Commission as [it] he deems necessary to
perform properly the objectives and duties of said Commission.
[It] The Chairman shall annually compile and publish maps and
statistics relating to the public roads of the State and showing the
progress and status of the work done or entered upon by it and
separately for the several counties. All maps, plans and statistics
made, collected and compiled under [its] the Chairman's direction
shall be preserved in [its] the Commission's office and shall be open
to the inspection of any taxpayer of the State. All contracts, agree-
ments, grants, licenses, made or entered into by the Chairman on
behalf of the Commission shall be recorded in books kept for that
purpose, which shall always be open to the inspection of the public.
(b) Subject to the Authority AUTHORITY of the Secretary of
Transportation and the Maryland Transportation Authority as set
forth in Articles 41 and 94A of this Code or elsewhere in the laws of
Maryland, the Chairman of the State Roads Commission shall exer-
cise and perform all power, authority, duties and functions vested in
the State Roads Commission by the provisions of this Article or by
other laws of this State except for the authority and function vested
in the State Roads Commission by Article III, Section 40B of the
Maryland Constitution and except for the function of giving advice
and recommendations to the Chairman and to the Secretary of
(c) The Secretary of Transportation, and the Maryland Trans-
portation Authority with respect to matters within the Authority's
jurisdiction, may by regulations or directives require that the exer-
cise by the Chairman of the State Roads Commission of any par-
ticular power, duty, or function vested in the Chairman of the pro-
visions of this Article, be subject to the approval of the Secretary
of Transportation and OR the Maryland Transportation Authority.
6 6(2).
(e) If [the Commission] he shall approve the sale, the Chair-
man-Director of the Commission is authorized to sign a deed convey-
ing the interest of the Commission to the purchaser.
The Director of Highways shall have exclusive jurisdiction and
control over the location, construction, geometries, design and main-
tenance of the highways that embrace the interstate system of high-
ways and the highways that embrace the primary system of high-
ways, as the primary system is hereinafter defined. He shall have
authority to consult, confer, negotiate and conclude agreements with
the Bureau of Public Roads and other agencies of the United States
government, representatives of other states, and other agencies
within this State, on all questions relating to all highways on the
interstate system and all highways on the primary system of high-
ways. The Director shall also have complete jurisdiction and author-
ity over the engineering and right-of-way departments of the Com-
mission and the entire administrative organization of the Com-
mission itself. It shall be his duty to carry out and cause to be per-
formed the construction and maintenance of highways on the
secondary system and after [the policy] receiving advice from the