Marvin Mandel, Governor 1195
(a) The gasoline tax, imposed by this subtitle in respect to motor
vehicle fuel sold or used in any calendar month, less an amount equiv-
alent to 1% of the tax due and payable which is hereby allowed such
person in lieu of loss from shrinkage, evaporation and handling and
to reimburse the registered dealer for the expenses incurred on be-
half of the State in maintaining records, collecting gasoline tax
monies, preparing necessary reports and remittance in complying
with the provisions of this subtitle, shall be paid on or before the last
day of the next succeeding month to the Comptroller who shall receipt
the dealer therefor. From the monies thus received, the Comptroller
each month shall (1) retain such sum as in his judgment shall be
sufficient to enable him to pay promptly all claims for refunds pay-
able therefrom, (2) retain an amount equal to one month's propor-
tionate part of the current fiscal year's appropriation to the Comp-
troller for maintaining the Gasoline Tax Collection Department in
the office of the Comptroller, (3) remit one seventh of all the re-
mainder (representing the net proceeds of the tax collected under
Section 136(g) of this subtitle) [to the State Treasurer, who shall
hold and distribute these monies] according to the provisions of
Section 29A of Article 89B of this Code; and (4) forthwith [remit]
credit the balance to [the State Treasurer. The State Treasurer
shall hold the monies so received from the Comptroller under item
No. (4) of this subsection in a special fund hereby created and
known as the "Gasoline Tax Fund," said fund to be thereafter held
and distributed in accordance with the provisions applicable to said
fund contained in Section 30 of Article 89B of the Annotated Code
of Maryland] the Gasoline and Motor Vehicle Revenue Account of
the Transportation Trust Fund established under Article 94A.
The [Department of Motor Vehicles] Motor Vehicle Administra-
tion shall account for and remit all monies collected by it under this
subtitle to the State [Treasurer] Comptroller who, after first pay-
ing, or retaining a sufficient amount thereof to pay, all refunds of
license and registration fees provided for in this subtitle, shall [hold
the balance of said monies in the special fund known as the Motor
Vehicle Revenue Fund, created pursuant to the provisions of Section
341 of Article 66½ of the Annotated Code of Maryland, said fund to
be thereafter held and distributed in accordance with the provisions
applicable thereto of Article 89B of the Annotated Code of Mary-
land.] credit the balance to the Gasoline and Motor Vehicle Revenue
Account of the Transportation Trust Fund created under Article
94A of this Code.
Sec. 12. And be it further enacted, That Sections 3A, 30, 31, 32A,
32B, 33A, 38A(a) and 211H of Article 89B of the Annotated Code
of Maryland (1957 Edition, 1969 Replacement Volume), title "State
Roads," subtitles "In General," "Distribution and Use of Special
Funds," and "Expenditures of Commission's Funds and Program-
ming and Scheduling of Highway Projects," be and they are hereby
repealed in their entirety and that Sections 1, 2(b), 3, 6(e) 6(2) (E),
7A, 22A, 29A, 32, 33, 34, 37, 38A(b), 38A(c) and 211G-1 of the same
Article, subtitles "In General," "Distribution and Use of Special