Marvin Mandel, Governor 107
financed in whole or in part by the State [Department] Adminis-
(d) From and after July SEPTEMBER 1, 1970, all powers, func-
tions, duties, prerogatives, and responsibilities of the State Board of
Social Services except those conferred by subsection (b) of this
Section 1 shall be transferred to and exercised by the State Director
of Social Services. All rules, regulations, directives, forms, orders and
determinations of the State Board shall remain in effect unless and
until changed by the State Director of Social Services or the Secre-
tary of Employment and Social Services in the manner provided by
law and violations of the State Board's rules or regulations re-
maining in effect shall continue to be subject to the penalties pro-
vided by law.
(e) The exercise of all authority, duties, and functions vested in
the Social Services Administration or the State Director of Social
Services by the provisions of this Article or by any other laws of
this State shall be subject to the authority of the Secretary of Em-
ployment and Social Services as set forth in Article 41 of this Code
or elsewhere in the laws of Maryland.
(a) The [State Board] Secretary of Employment and Social Serv-
ices, with the approval of the Governor, shall appoint a competent
person to act as the State Director of Social Services, [and as the
secretary to the State Board] who shall be paid for his services
such compensation as may be provided in the budget. The State
Director of Social Services, hereinafter referred to as the "State
Director," shall be a competent person having adequate training
and practical experience in social welfare work; and [in making
said appointment, the State Board shall be governed by Article 64A
of this Code] shall hold office at the pleasure of the Secretary of
Employment and Social Services. The State Director holding office
on August 31, 1970, shall continue to hold office at the pleasure of
the Secretary of Employment and Social Services.
(b) The State Director shall devote his whole time to the duties
of his office, and shall serve as the [sole] administrative head of the
State [Department, fully] Administration, responsible for the ap-
pointment, under the provisions of Article 64A of this Code, of all
State [Department] Administration personnel. The State Director
is responsible for the organization and administration of the State
[Department] Administration and for the supervision of local de-
partments, and other agencies and institutions under the supervision
of the State [Department] Administration, subject to [the rules
and regulations established by the State Board and] THE RULES
LAW AND TO the State and federal laws governing the adminis-
tration of social services and public assistance.
(c) It shall be the duty of the State Director to submit the budget
estimates for the State [Department] Administration to the [State
Board] Secretary of Employment and Social Services. for the ap-
proval of the budget, [prior to submission to the Governor.]