18 Laws of Maryland Ch. 4
(7) Each applicant shall certify that the cost of any proposed
land acquisition project has been established by qualified appraisal,
subject to verification and approval by the State Department of
Forests and Parks.
(8) Land acquired or developed shall not, without the approval
of the Director of the Department of Forests and Parks and the
Director of the State Planning Department, be converted to any use
other than public recreation use. The Director may approve such
conversion only if the applicant replaces land of at least equivalent
area and of equal recreation value.
(9) The rules and regulations of the State Department of Forests
and Parks, have been complied with.
(g) A Committee, to be appointed by the Governor, shall prepare
and adopt an apportionment formula relating to the percentage of
the total funds each county, including municipal corporations
therein, and Baltimore City shall be able to receive. The Committee
shall consist of two members of the Senate, three members of the
House of Delegates, and four members of the Public at large. The
Director of State Planning, the Director of Forests and Parks, the
Director of Game and Inland Fish, the Director of Chesapeake Bay
Affairs, and the chairman of the Maryland-National Capital Park
and Planning Commission, shall serve as advisors to the Committee.
(h) The Department of Forests and Parks shall promulgate and
adopt rules and regulations governing the submission of applications
by the subdivisions. Such rules and regulations shall be prepared
in conjunction with the State Planning Department and such other
state, local, or regional agencies or organizations as the Department
of Forests and Parks may deem appropriate to consult. The Depart-
ment of Forests and Parks shall process and submit applications,
plans, and other supporting data, together with recommendations,
to the Board of Public Works. The Board of Public Works may
approve, or modify and approve, the recommendations submitted,
provided that any modifications made by the Board of Public Works
shall be in accord with the rules and regulations promulgated and
adopted by the Department of Forests and Parks and the State
Planning Department. The Board of Public Works shall certify the
obligation of funds for each approved project to the State Treasurer,
and the Treasurer shall make such funds available to the governing
body of the subdivision which submitted the application.
That for the primary source of payment of the principal of and
the interest on the bonds or Certificates of Indebtedness issued
under the provisions of this Act [section] as the same become due
and payable, there shall be and is hereby laid an annual tax which
shall consist of such amounts as may be necessary of the proceeds
of the tax on written instruments, imposed pursuant to the provi-
sions of Section 278A of Article 81 of the Annotated Code of Mary-
land as set forth in Section 10 of this Act.
That, in addition, and as the secondary source of payment, there
shall be and is hereby levied and imposed an annual State tax on each
one hundred dollars of assessable property at a rate to be determined