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Session Laws and Journals, 1969, December Special Session
Volume 694, Page 17   View pdf image (33K)
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Marvin Mandel, Governor                           17

Baltimore City, and the State shall not be responsible for the costs
involved with the development or maintenance of such parcel or

(2) Each year the Department of Forests and Parks, Department
of Game and Inland Fish and Department of Chesapeake Bay
Affairs shall prepare a list of acquisition projects for the next fiscal
year, and these projects shall be submitted to the General Assembly
in a manner similar to other capital projects as provided in Article
15A of the Annotated Code of Maryland.

(c)    The other one-half of the funds available under this Program
shall be used exclusively to assist the subdivisions in the acquisition
and development of land for recreation and open space areas.

(d)    All acquisition and development projects funded under the
Program must meet needs identified in the State Planning Depart-
ment's "Maryland Outdoor Recreation and Open Space Plan," and
in the Department of Forests and Parks "Master Plan for Outdoor
Recreation, 1967-1976." Projects contained in the adopted master
plan for recreation and parks for Baltimore City shall be embodied
in the "Maryland Outdoor Recreation and Open Space Plan."

(e)    The funds available under the program shall be utilized by
the State and by the subdivisions only for acquisition of land. This
provision shall not apply in Baltimore City and special exception
may be made by the Department of Forests and Parks regarding
development projects of special merit in other municipal corpora-

(f)    Any subdivision may apply to the State Department of
Forests and Parks for a grant from the total funds authorized by
this Program provided that:

(1)    Such Federal funds as are available for financing acquisition
and development projects shall be used to the maximum extent

(2)    The State shall provide up to twenty-fivse percent (25%)
of the total project cost for each approved acquisition and develop-
ment project. If Federal funds are not available, the State shall pro-
vide additional funds, but not more than fifty percent (50%) of the
total project cost.

(3)    No development project shall be approved for a municipal
corporation until seventy-five percent (75%) of the funds allocated
to the County, including any municipal corporations therein, have
been obligated for acquisition. This provision shall not apply to
Baltimore City.

(4)    Each project shall conform to a comprehensive plan and shall
have the approval of official planning agencies having jurisdiction,
including comprehensive planning agencies with area-wide juris-

(5)    Each applicant shall certify the availability of the local fund
share for any project submitted within 12 months of the date of

(6)    Each applicant shall certify that a local program is estab-
lished to manage and administer an outdoor recreation or open space


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Session Laws and Journals, 1969, December Special Session
Volume 694, Page 17   View pdf image (33K)
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