County. Since the sponsors of House Bill 916 agreed that if the Bill does
this it should be vetoed, I have vetoed House Bill 916.
/s/ Marvin Mandel,
Read and journalized.
Vetoed by the Governor—May 28, 1969
House Bill No. 916—By the Prince George's County Delegation:
An Act to repeal and re-enact, with amendments, Sections 83 (b), (c),
and (d), and Sections 84(b), (c), and (d) of Article 2B of the Annotated
Code of Maryland (1968 Replacement Volume and 1968 Supplement), title
"Alcoholic Beverages," subtitle "Hours and Days of Sale," to repeal and
re-enact with amendments, Sections 19(i) (3) and (4) of Article 2B of
the Annotated Code of Maryland (1968 Replacement Volume and 1968
Supplement), title "Alcoholic Beverages," subtitle "Beer, Wine and Liquor
Licenses," and to repeal and re-enact with amendments, Sections 103(a),
103(d) and 103(e) of Article 2B of the Annotated Code of Maryland
(1968 Replacement Volume and 1968 Supplement), title "Alcoholic Bev-
erages," subtitle "Hours and Days of Sale," and to repeal Section 103(b),
of said Article, title, and subtitle, relating generally to the revision of the
hours and days of sale of certain alcoholic beverage licenses in Prince
George's County.
The Speaker put the question: Shall the bill pass notwithstanding
the objections of the Executive?
Mr. Speaker, Briscoe, Fowler, Boyer, Athey, Thomason, Lipin, Burkhead, Connell,
Helms, Allen, Fornos, Anderson, Benner, Compton, Nimmerichter, Arata, Coolahan,
Malone, Alpert, Jacobson, Rynd, Hopkins, Nice, Price, Hinkel, Jensen, Tyler, Hutch-
inson, Jones, Kardash, Schirano, Einschutz, Evans, Rush, Arnick, D'Anna, Minnick,
Dize, Matthews, Burkheimer, Mackie, Dorman, Menes, Mothershead, Banning, Goodman,
Hull, King, Montfort, Santangelo, Weile, Aragona, Bagley, Donovan, Giordano,
McDonough, Rummage, Hickman, C. M., Hickman, R. O., Virts, Houck, Remsbreg,
Greer, Hess, Osborne, Scarff, Hargreaves, Bonvegna, Bullock, Dypski, Krysiak, Silk,
Walters, Adams, Antonelli, Cassady, Chester, McCarty, Orlinsky, Holub, Sarbanes,
Burns, Curran, Hergenroeder, Kent, Kircher, McQuade, Mooney, O'Brien, Abramson,
Brailey, Dixon, Douglass, Epstein, Lee, Randolph, Abrams, Cardin, Friedman, Resnick,
Sklar, Spector, Waxter, Avara, Baumann, Weisengoff, Freeberger, Murphy, Rutkowski,
Wyatt, Donaldson, Grumbacher, Hoffman, Wright, Clarke, Cronin, Lady, McInerney,
Scott, Whalen, Whitney, Becker, Bell, Blondes, Cook, Docter, Maurer, Zander, Aitken,
Wise, Evans, Reed, Sloan, Williams, Matthews, Yingling, Burgess, Warfield, Laws,
Long, Aiken. Total—142
The Speaker announced the veto was sustained.
Annapolis, Md., May 28, 1969.
Honorable Thomas Hunter Lowe
Speaker of the House of Delegates
State House
Annapolis, Maryland
Dear Mr. Speaker:
In accordance with Article II, Section 17, of the Maryland Consti-
tution, I have today vetoed House Bill 928 and am returning it to you.