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Session Laws and Journals, 1969, December Special Session
Volume 694, Page 153   View pdf image (33K)
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1969]                   OF THE HOUSE OF DELEGATES                         7

for their attendance at the same rate as applies to legislators for the
Cities and Counties of their respective residences:

Chief Clerk
Assistant Chief Clerk
Journal Clerk

Assistant Journal Clerk
Reading Clerk
Sergeant at arms
Chief Page
Read and adopted.

By Delegate Houck:

Ordered, that the House of Delegates Committees appointed by the
Speaker of the House of Delegates during the Regular Legislative Session
of 1969, be and they are hereby continued to serve during this Special
Legislative Session of 1969; and be it further ordered that the Speaker is
hereby authorized and empowered to fill any vacancy or vacancies that
may exist in said committees by reason of death, resignation or any other

Read and adopted.


By the Speaker:

Ordered, that the rules adopted by the Maryland House of Delegates
at Regular Legislative Session of 1969, except House rules 93 and 95, be
hereby adopted as the rules governing this present House of Delegates
during this Special Legislative Session of 1969, this order to remain in
effect until changed or modified by the Maryland House of Delegates, and
be subject to further order.

Read and adopted.

By Delegate Houck:

Ordered by the House of Delegates of Maryland, That the Rules of
the House as in effect at the end of the Regular Session of the General
Assembly of 1969 are adopted for the Special Session of December 16,
1969, except for two amendments. The first amendment is to Rule 88, as

88. No person, other than members of the House, shall be admitted
to the floor of the House while it is in session, except the following: the
Governor of Maryland [and such of his designated representatives as
approved by the Speaker from time to time], Judges of the Court of
Appeals, former Governors, members of the Senate of Maryland, former
members of the House of Delegates, [the Secretary of the Speaker of the
House, the clerks of the Ways and Means, Natural Resources, Economic


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Session Laws and Journals, 1969, December Special Session
Volume 694, Page 153   View pdf image (33K)
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