Volume 693, Page 44 View pdf image (33K) |
30 JOURNAL OF PROCEEDINGS [Jan. 7 he resigned his office to take a seat in the United States Senate. Almost a century has passed, but his thoughts remain appropriate. I quote from Governor Whyte: "Recognizing the right of my fellow citizens to transfer my labors to another field of duty ... (I am) gratified beyond expression at their potentiality. "A child of Maryland, I trust I shall never lose sight of her honor ..... I shall hold true allegiance to the Constitution of the United States and be faithful to the Federal Compact, lending my best energies to promote the prosperity and happiness of all sections of the.., country. "In accepting the distinguished position now conferred upon me, I feel it is my duty ... to resign the Office to which I was called two years ago, by a generous and confiding constituency, in order that the General Assembly may in conformity with the terms of the Constitution elect my successor. "(In parting) from my official associates and from the members of the two Houses of the Assembly, I cannot forego the expression of my deep regret, but I shall look back upon my connection with them with sincere affection and gratitude." So it is with a sense of participating in a tradition of Maryland's past that I resign my Office of Governor as of 1 p.m., January 7, 1969. And it will be with a sense of creating a tradition for Maryland's future that I shall assume the Office of Vice President of the United States on January 20, 1969. ORDER By William S. James, President of the Senate and Marvin Mandel, Speaker of the House of Delegates: Ordered by the Joint Session of the two Houses of the General Assembly of Maryland, That with the concurrence of the members of the Joint Session, the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Delegates, acting jointly, appoint the Honorable James A. Pine as permanent Chairman of the Joint Session. Read and adopted. At 12:45 P.M. Senator Pine was escorted to the chair as Chairman of the Joint Session. The roll was called as follows: Delegates and Senators— Abrams, Abramson, Adams, Aiken, Allen, Alpert, Anderson (M.), Anderson (T.), Antonelli, Aragona, Arata, Arnick, Athey, Avara, Azrael, Bagley, Bailey, Banning, Baumann, Becker, Bell, Benner, Bertier, Bertorelli, Bishop, Blondes, Bonvegna, Boyer, Brailey, Briscoe, Brubaker, Bullock, Burgess, Burkhead, Burkheimer, Burns, Byron, Cardin, Cassady, Chester, Clark, Clarke, Compton, Connell, Connelly, Conroy, Cook (E. P.), Cook (N. S.), Coolahan, Crawford, Cronin, Curran (G.), Curran (J.), D'Anna, Dean, Dixon, Dize, Docter, Donaldson, Donovan, Dorman, Douglass, Dypski, Einschutz, Emanuel, Epstein, Evans (E.), Evans (W.), Finney, Fornos, Fowler, Freeberger, Friedler, Friedman, Giordano, Goodman, Gore, Greer, Grumbacher, Hall, Hargreaves, Hart, Helms, Hergenroeder, Hess, Hickman (C), Hick-man (R.), Hinkel, Hodges, Hoffman, Holub, Hopkins, Houck, Hoyer, Hughes, Hull, Jacobson, James, Jensen, Jones, Kardash, Kent, King, Kircher, Krysiak, Lady, Lapides, Lee (B.), Lee (L.), Lipin, Long, Lowe, Mackie, Malkus, Malone, Mandel, Matthews (R. C.), Matthews (R. M.), McCarty, McDonough, McGuirk, Mclnerney, McQuade,
Volume 693, Page 44 View pdf image (33K) |
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