Volume 693, Page 38 View pdf image (33K) |
24 JOURNAL OF PROCEEDINGS [Jan. 7 We respectfully concur in your message and have appointed on behalf of the Senate, Senators Clark and Hall as members of the joint committee to notify the Governor of the joint session of the General Assembly and to escort the Governor to the Chamber of the House of Delegates. By order: /s/ J. Waters Parrish, Secretary. Which was read and adopted. RECESS At 11:25 o'clock A.M., on motion of Senator Hughes, the Senate took a recess until 11:50 o'clock A.M. AFTER RECESS At 11:50 o'clock A.M., the Senate resumed its session. Present at roll call the following Senators: Senators— Mr. President, Anderson, Azrael, Bailey, Bertier, Bertorelli, Bishop, Brubaker Byron, Clark, Connolly, Cook, Conroy, Curran, Dean, Emanuel, Finney, Friedler, Gore, Hall, Hart, Hodges, Hoyer, Hughes (H.), Lapides, Lee, Malkus, Mitchell, McGuirk Nock, Pine, Smelser, Snyder, Staszak, Staten, Steffey, Steinberg, Stone, Welcome, Wineland. Total—40 At 12:00 o'clock noon, the President and the members of the Senate were escorted to the House Chamber for the Joint Session. JOINT SESSION OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY IN THE HOUSE CHAMBER The Speaker called the joint meeting to order at 12:15 P.M. The roll call of the Senators was called by the Senate reading clerk. Forty Senators answered to their names, as follows: Senators— Mr. President, Anderson, Azrael, Bailey, Bertier, Bertorelli, Bishop, Brubaker Byron, Clark, Connolly, Cook, Conroy, Curran, Dean, Emanuel, Finney, Friedler, Gore, Hall, Hart, Hodges, Hoyer, Hughes (H.), Lapides, Lee, Malkus, Mitchell, McGuirk Nock, Pine, Smelser, Snyder, Staszak, Staten, Steffey, Steinberg, Stone, Welcome, Wineland. Total—40 The roll call of the members of the House of Delegates was taken which resulted with 140 being present as follows: Delegates— Mr. Speaker, Briscoe, Fowler, Boyer, Athey, Lipin, Thomason, Burkhead, Connell, Helms, Allen, Anderson, Fornos, Benner, Compton, Nimmerrichter, Arata, Coolahan, Malone, Alpert, Jacobson, Rynd, Hopkins, Nice, Price, Hinkel, Jensen, Jones, Kardash, Schirano, Tyler, Einschutz, Evans, W., Rush, Arnick, D'Anna, Minnick, Lowe, Dize, Matthews, R. M., Burkheimer, Mackie, Dorman, Menes, Mothershead, Banning, Goodman, Hull, King, Montfort, Santangelo, Weile, Aragona, Bagley, Donovan, Giordano, McDonough, Rummage, Hickman, (C. M.), Hickman, R., Houck, Remsberg, Virts, Greer, Hess, Osborne, Scarff, Hargreaves, Bonvegna, Bullock, Dypski, Krysiak, Silk, Walters, Adams, Antonelli, Cassady, Chester, Holub, McCarty, Orlinsky, Sarbanes, Burns, Curran, Hergenroeder, Kent, Kircher, McQuade, Mooney, O'Brien, Abramson, Brailey, Dixon, Douglass, Epstein, Lee, Randolph, Abrams, Cardin, Friedman, Resnick, Spector, Waxter, Avara, Baumann, Freeberger, Murphy, Rutkowski, Weisengoff, Wyatt, Donaldson,
Volume 693, Page 38 View pdf image (33K) |
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