MARVIN MANDEL, Governor 217
to their respective offices, and shall adopt such rules, regulations, or
bylaws as may be necessary or expedient to assist it in its organization
under this Article. The secretary shall also be the legal custodian
of all the property, money, minutes, records, proceedings and the
seal of said Board. Said Board shall hold two regular meetings as
determined by the Board of Dental Examiners, and special meetings
when directed to do so by the Secretary of Health and Mental
Hygiene or as it may deem necessary, upon call of the president or
secretary thereof and upon due notice. Meetings may be held at any
time and place and without notice, by the unanimous consent evi-
denced either by writing or by the presence of any member whose
consent is necessary.
It shall be the duty of the State's Attorney of the City of Baltimore
or of the various counties of this State to prosecute any resident of
the City of Baltimore or the counties of this State for a violation of
this law. The [Attorney General] General Counsel of COUNSEL TO
the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene or one of his assist-
41 OF THIS CODE, shall be the legal adviser of the Board.
Sec. 4. And be it further enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That Sections 59C (b), 335, 339, 340, 341, 342, 343 and 344
of Article 41 of the Annotated Code of Maryland (1965 Replacement
Volume and 1968 Supplement), title "Governor—Executive and
Administrative Departments," subtitles "The Executive Department,"
"Interstate Compact on Mental Health," and "Commission on Physi-
cal Fitness," be and they are hereby repealed and re-enacted, all to
read as follows:
(b) Governor's specific duties.—Specifically, the Governor shall:
(1) Designate or provide for the establishment of a single State
agency hereinafter referred to as the State's comprehensive health
planning agency, which [may be an interdepartmental agency,] shall
be part of the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, with the
Secretary of Health and Mental Hygiene as Chairman, as the sole
agency for administering or supervising the administration of the
State's health planning functions;
(2) Appoint a State Health Planning Council, which shall include
representatives of State and local agencies and nongovernmental
organizations and groups concerned with health, to advise the State's
comprehensive health planning agency in carrying out its functions.
A majority of the membership of such Council shall consist of
representatives of consumers of health services.
Pursuant to this compact, the Secretary of Health and Mental
Hygiene , OR HIS DESIGNEE, [Governor is authorized and empow-
ered to designate an officer who] shall be the Compact Administrator
and the Secretary , OR HIS DESIGNEE [who], acting jointly with
like officers of other party states, has power to promulga |