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Session Laws, 1969
Volume 692, Page 1490   View pdf image
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1490                            LAWS OF MARYLAND                     [CH. 654

sale of its general obligation, serial maturity coupon bonds in
like par amount; empowering said County to fix and determine, by
resolution, the form, tenor, interest rate or method of arriving at
the same, terms, including redemption and registration provisions,
conditions, maturities and all other details incident or necessary
to the issuance, public sale and delivery of said bonds, without
reference to any other law heretofore enacted; prescribing the
method and manner of selling said bonds at public sale; em-
powering said County, subject to certain limitations, to sell said
bonds at, above or below the par value thereof; empowering said
County to refund any of said bonds purchased or redeemed in
advance of maturity; empowering and directing said County to
apply to the payment of principal and interest of said bonds and
said refunding bonds any funds received from the State of Mary-
land and the United States of America, which may be properly
allocable to said purpose; empowering and directing said County
to contract to levy and to levy, impose and collect annually ad
valorem taxes which, in addition to the State and Federal allot-
ments, if any, will provide funds sufficient for the payment of
said maturing principal and interest; exempting said bonds and
said refunding bonds and the interest thereon from all State,
county and municipal taxation in the State of Maryland; and pro-
viding that the power to incur indebtedness and issue bonds there-
for under the provisions of this Act is additional and alternative
authority for borrowing money and shall be regarded as supple-
mental and additional to powers conferred upon the County by
other laws.

Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That, as used herein, the term "County" shall mean the body
politic and corporate of the State of Maryland known as the County
Commissioners for Prince George's County, and the term "public
facilities" shall mean the following:

(a)    the construction, improvement, repair, opening, relocation,
grading, resurfacing, widening, extension and drainage of all public
roads, streets, highways and sidewalks in the County now or here-
after maintained and operated by or under the jurisdiction of the
County, including the acquisition of necessary rights of way, the
acquisition of equipment for highway construction, maintenance and
repair and planning and engineering services; the planning, design,
construction and reconstruction of free bridges constituting parts of
said roads, streets, or highways; the planning, construction, repair
and permanent improvement of any storm water drainage systems
necessary in the County;

(b)    the construction, reconstruction, extension, acquisition, im-
provement, enlargement, alteration, repair and modernization of
county libraries, including the acquisition and development of sites
therefor, the architectural and e