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Session Laws, 1969
Volume 692, Page 1489   View pdf image
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MARVIN MANDEL, Governor                       1489

project would be eligible if sufficient Federal funds were available,
to seventy-five percent (75%) of the eligible cost of the project, except
that when the size of the Federal grant is increased by the Secretary
of the Interior, as the result of the project being in conformity with
an approved comprehensive plan, such increase shall not be used to
decrease the amount of the outright State grant. In the case of a
project to be operated by a State owned institution or facility for
which a federal grant offer has been made, the State grant offer
shall equal the total cost of the project less the Federal grant offer.

3.  When for lack of adequate Federal funds at the time the peti-
tion is filed, the amount of Federal Funds available for a grant is a
lesser per centum of the eligible cost of the project than that to
which it was found to be entitled under the provisions of the Federal
Water Pollution Control Act, the petition may include a request for
the advance payment of the Federal deficit, provided that the peti-
tioner shall contract to repay to the State for deposit to the Water
Quality Loan account all subsequent Federal funds which the peti-
tioner may receive to make up the original Federal deficiency.

4.  When the petitioner has received a grant offer under the Federal
Water Pollution Control Act for the construction of facilities to
demonstrate an improved method of controlling the discharge to any
waters of the State of untreated or inadequately treated sewage or
other wastes from sewers which carry stormwater or both storm-
water and sewage or other wastes; to demonstrate advanced waste
treatment and water purification methods; or to provide for new or
improved methods of joint treatment for municipal and industrial
wastes; and for the purpose of reports, plans and specifications in
connection therewith, then the funds made available under this Act
shall be allocated as an outright grant to the petitioner in an amount
equal to one-half (½) of the difference between the eligible cost and
the amount of the federal grant offer.

Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall not in any
way affect the payment of proceeds, or the terms upon which any
State grant was heretofore made pursuant to the provisions of
Chapter 445 of the Acts of 1968.

Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take effect
July 1, 1969.

Approved May 14, 1969.

(House Bill 320)

AN ACT to authorize and empower the County Commissioners for
Prince George's County, from time to time, to borrow not exceed-
ing Nine Million, Two Hundred and Sixty-Three Thousand, Two
Hundred Twenty Eight Dollars ($9,263,228) in order to finance
the construction, acquisition, improvement or extension of certain
public facilities, as herein defined, and to effect such borrowing
by the issuance and sale to the highest bidder or bidders at public


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