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Session Laws, 1969
Volume 692, Page 1477   View pdf image
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MARVIN MANDEL, Governor                      1477


(a)    After January 1, 1948, every private school or educational
institution, however designated, which charges tuition or fees for at-
tendance, and which offers a program of college, professional,
preparatory, high school, junior high school, elementary, kinder-
garten, or nursery school work, or any combination thereof, or which
offers a program of trade or technical education, or both, or which
gives pre-employment or supplementary training, or both, in the
fields of trade or industry, and any and every private school or edu-
cational institution charging tuition or fees for attendance, except
those operated by bona fide church organizations, must secure a
certificate of approval issued by the State Superintendent of Schools,
before it may begin or continue to operate or function in this State.
Bona fide church organizations shall include those schools known as
Amish and Mennonite church parochial schools in Charles, Garrett
and St. Mary's counties. Provided, that nothing in this section shall
be construed as having application to any school or college that is
now operating under a charter granted by the legislature of Mary-
land [.] or rehabilitation workshops or facilities engaged exclu-
sively in training handicapped persons for the Division of Vocational
REHABILITATION of the State Department of

(b)    The State Superintendent of Schools shall issue a certificate
of approval to any applicant operating or proposing to operate such
a private school or educational institution whose conditions of en-
trance, scholarship, educational qualifications, standards and facil-
ities are adequate and appropriate for the purposes, program, train-
ing and courses to be taught or given therein. Any such certificate
may be revoked at any time for cause by the State Board of Educa-
tion but only in the manner herein described. Before any such
certificate may be revoked the State Superintendent of Schools shall
first give the school involved a written notice of his intention to re-
quire such school to show cause before the State Board of Education
why such certificate of approval should not be revoked. Such notice
of intention shall clearly specify the grounds for his proposed action
and shall give such school thirty days in which to correct the condi-
tions complained of therein. If at the end of said thirty day period,
or such extensions thereof as may be granted by the State Superin-
tendent of Schools, the State Superintendent of Schools shall still be
dissatisfied he shall give such school a written order requiring such
school to show cause, if any, at a hearing before the State Board of
Education to be held at a specific time therein designated, not less
than thirty days after the date of such order, why such school's cer-
tificate of approval should not be revoked. Upon such hearing or
upon the failure of any representative of the school to attend such
hearing, the State Board of Education ma