MARVIN MANDEL, Governor 1333
ever, this provision shall not be interpreted to include in the term
"employee," as used herein, clerks, secretaries, bookkeepers, tech-
nicians and other assistants who are not usually and ordinarily con-
sidered by custom and practice to be rendering professional services
to the public for which a license or other legal authorization is re-
quired; and provided further, that nothing contained in this subtitle
shall be interpreted to require that the right of an individual to be
a shareholder of a corporation organized under this subtitle, or to
organize such a corporation, is dependent upon the present or future
existence of an employment relationship between him and such cor-
poration, or his present or future active participation in any capacity
in the production of the income of such corporation or in the per-
formance of the services rendered by such corporation.
Nothing contained in this subtitle shall abolish, repeal, modify,
restrict or limit the law now in effect in this state applicable to the
professional relationship and, liabilities between the person furnish-
ing the professional services and the person receiving such pro-
fessional service and to the standards for professional conduct, ;
provided, however, that any officer, agent or employee of a corpora-
tion organized under this Act shall be personally liable and account-
able only for negligent or wrongful acts or misconduct committed
by him, or by any person under his direct supervision and control,
while rendering professional service on behalf of the corporation to
the person for whom such professional services were being rendered;
and provided further that the personal liability of shareholders of a
corporation organized under his subtitle, in their capacity as share-
holders of such corporation, shall be no greater in any aspect than
that of a shareholder employee of a corporation organized under
this Article. The corporation shall be liable up to the full value of
its property for any negligent or wrongful acts or misconduct com-
mitted by any of its officers, agents or employees while they are
engaged on behalf of the corporation in the rendering of professional
No corporation organized under this subtitle shall engage in any
business other than the rendering of the professional services for
which it was specifically incorporated; provided, however, nothing
in this subtitle or in any other provisions of existing law applicable
to corporations shall prohibit a corporation from investing its funds
in real estate, mortgages, stocks, bonds or any other type of invest-
ments, or from owning real or personal property necessary for the
rendering of professional services.
No corporation organized under the provisions of this subtitle may
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