MARVIN MANDEL, Governor 1261
of Montgomery County shall appoint three judges of the People's
Court of Montgomery County to fill the positions then expiring. As of
January 1, 1962, the County Council for Montgomery County shall ap-
point an additional full-time judge of the People's Court of Mont-
gomery County who shall meet the qualifications provided in this
Article and who shall serve until the first day of January, 1970, or
until his successor is appointed and qualified. As of the first day of
January 1970, and as of the first day of January in every tenth year
thereafter the County Council of Montgomery County shall appoint
[one] two [judge] judges of the People's Court of Montgomery
County to fill the position then expiring and to create an additional
full-time judge of the People's Court of Montgomery County who
shall meet the qualifications provided in this Article. As of June 1,
1967, the County Council shall appoint an additional full-time judge
of the People's Court of Montgomery County who shall meet the
qualifications in this Article and who shall serve until June 1, 1977,
or until his successor is appointed and qualified. As of June 1, 1977,
and as of the first day of June in every tenth year thereafter, the
County Council shall appoint one judge of the People's Court of
Montgomery County to fill the position then expiring. Two of such
judges shall be designated as the People's Court judges for juvenile
causes and the senior, in time of service, of the said two judges shall
be the administrative officer of the People's Court for juvenile causes
in Montgomery County; one of the judges of the People's Court
handling criminal, civil, and traffic cases shall be designated as chief
judge and administrative officer for the said court, the committing
magistrates and other personnel. Said judge so designated as chief
judge shall be and continue as chief judge and administrative officer
for said court until his term expires and his successor is appointed
and qualifies, unless said chief judge is removed from office under
the provisions of Section 98(e)[f] of this article in which event
the County Council shall designate a successor chief judge.
(d) As of June 15, 1955, the County Council of Montgomery
County shall appoint a substitute judge of the People's Court for
Montgomery County. Such appointee shall serve as such until the
first day of May in the year 1958, or until his successor is appointed
and qualifies. Thereafter, as of May 1 every four years the County
Council of Montgomery County shall appoint a substitute judge of
the People's Court to fill the term then expiring, which appointee
shall serve for four years dating from May 1 of the year of appoint-
ment or until his successor is appointed and qualifies. As of the first
day of May in the year 1962, and as of May 1 every four years
thereafter, the County Council shall appoint a second substitute
judge to serve a term of four years or until his successor is appointed
and qualifies. The provisions of subsection (b) of this section,
prescribing qualifications for the judges of said court, shall apply
to any person appointed as substitute judge. A substitute judge
shall be paid and have such duties as hereinafter provided. Upon
completion of the present terms of the substitute judges of the
People's Court of Montgomery County, there shall be no substitute
judges appointed by the County Council of Montgomery County.
(15) Montgomery County.—(a) There shall be five full-time
judges of the People's Court of Montgomery County until January
1, 1970, at which time there shall be six full-time judges. The chief