MARVIN MANDEL, Governor 1257
(House Bill 1264)
AN ACT to add new Section 18-4B to the Code of Public Local Laws
of Prince George's County (1963 Edition and 1967 Supplement,
being Article 17 of the Code of Public Local Laws of Maryland),
title "Prince George's County," subtitle "County Commissioners,"
to follow immediately after Section 18-4A thereof, requiring in
Prince George's County that a public hearing be held prior to
any action by the County Commissioners which may result in the
sale of bonds.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That new Section 18-4B be and it is hereby added to the Code of
Public Local Laws of Prince George's County (1963 Edition and 1967
Supplement, being Article 17 of the Code of Public Local Laws of
Maryland), title "Prince George's County," subtitle "County Com-
missioners," to follow immediately after Section 18-4A thereof, and
to read as follows:
The County Commissioners shall give public notice prior to taking
any action which may result in the sale of PRINCE GEORGE'S
COUNTY bonds. This notice shall be by advertisement in one or more
newspapers published or of general circulation in the county and shall
be printed at least once a week for three consecutive weeks. The
notice shall state that in not less than three weeks in the future, the
board will meet in public hearing to permit any resident of the county
to appear and testify concerning the proposed issuance of the bonds.
The notice shall also state the time and place of the meeting.
Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take effect
July 1. 1969.
Approved May 2, 1969.
(House Bill 1276)
AN ACT to repeal and re-enact, with amendments, Section 1 of
Article 19 of the Annotated Code of Maryland (1966 Replace-
ment Volume and 1968 Supplement), title "Comptroller," sub-
title "In General," providing that the salary of the Comptroller
shall be as set forth in the budget, after a certain date.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That Section 1 of Article 19 of the Annotated Code of Maryland
(1966 Replacement Volume and 1968 Supplement), title "Comp-
troller," subtitle "In General," be and it is hereby repealed and re-
enacted, with amendments, to read as follows: