SPIRO T. AGNEW, Governor 93
The above tags may be secured from the [Game Wardens] Wild-
life Officers in the several counties of the State.
177. Resident State Taxidermist and Fur Tanning License.
(a) Issuance and fee.—Any person desiring to engage in taxi-
dermy and fur tanning for profit shall make application therefor on
forms supplied by the Director of the Department of Game and
Inland Fish [Commission] for a license so to do. The Director upon
receipt of application and license fee of five dollars ($5.00) may
issue to the applicant an annual taxidermist and fur tanning license
permitting such applicant to practice the art of taxidermy and fur
tanning for profit as stated in the license in mounting, preserving or
tanning all species of wild birds, wild quadrupeds and fish legally
178. Raccoon, Opossum and Skunks—In General.
(b) License required.—Every person hunting raccoon or opos-
sum must have a hunter's license for the current year in possession
and tag prominently displayed on outer garment, as provided in
Section 127.
181. Sale and shipment of game; regulated shooting grounds.
(b) Permits to operate regulated shooting grounds.—The De-
partment of Game and Inland Fish [Commission] may issue
permits authorizing the establishment and operation of regulated
shooting grounds when in the judgment of the [Commission]
Department such areas will not conflict with any reasonable prior
public interest. The fee for such permit shall be Twenty-five Dollars
($25.00) per season. The Commission shall govern and prescribe by
regulations the size of the areas, the method of hunting, the open and
closed seasons, and taking of game—namely; wild turkey, pheasant,
bob white, quail, chukar partridge, and mallard ducks with tags
furnished by the [Commission] Department at a reasonable fee,
the releasing, possession and use of legally propagated game birds
thereon; and may require such reports as deemed necessary concern-
ing the operation of said areas. Any permit issued under the provi-
sions of this section may be revoked for a violation of any provision
or any regulation made by the Commission relating to privately
regulated shooting grounds.
(c) Licenses to nonresidents on regulated shooting grounds.—
The Department of Game and Inland Fish [Commission] may issue
special licenses to non-residents to hunt on regulated shooting grounds
for wild turkey, pheasant, bob white, quail, chukar partridge and
mallard ducks only as follows: The applicant, if a non-resident of
the State of Maryland, shall pay to the issuing agent with whom he
or she files his or her application, the sum of three dollars ($3.00)
AND FIFTY CENTS ($3.50) as a license fee. The agent shall
thereupon issue a license and tag to be supplied to said agent by
the Director and the license shall bear the signature of the Director
and shall be countersigned by the agent issuing the same, who shall
at the same time fill out a stub attached to the license blank, the
name and address of the licensee and shall then detach said stub
and mail to the Director the first day of each any every month in
each year, said license shall be void on the thirtieth day of June
in each year following the date of issue.