functions; imposing certain duties upon the Governor and the
State Department of Education in relation to community colleges
and relating generally to the control, operation, administration
and functions of community colleges in this State and of the
boards appointed to supervise and administer the affairs of com-
munity colleges, and correcting an error in one of said sections.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That subsection (j) of Section 300 is hereby repealed and subsec-
tions (a), (h) and (1) of Section 300, subsections (a), (b) and (d)
of Section 300A, subsection (a) of Section 301, subsection (a) of
Section 302, and Section 303 of Article 77 of the Annotated Code of
Maryland (1965 Replacement Volume and 1967 Supplement), title
"Public Education," subtitle "Chapter 31. Community Colleges," be
and they are hereby repealed and re-enacted, with amendments; and
that new Section 300B to follow immediately after Section 300A
thereof, and new subsection (a-1) to Section 302 to follow immedi-
ately after subsection (a) thereof, and new Sections 304A, 304B and
305 to follow immediately after Section 304 thereof be and they are
hereby added to said Article and subtitle; all to read as follows:
(a) The board of education of any county and the board of
school commissioners of Baltimore City, and until June 30, 1969,
with the approval of the State Superintendent of Schools, by ap-
propriate resolution, may establish and maintain community col-
leges. From and after July 1, 1969, the approval shall be that of
the State Board for Community Colleges. For the purposes of ad-
ministration over these colleges the board of education shall con-
stitute a board of trustees and governmental corporation; provided,
however, that the board of education may, upon appropriate resolu-
tion and in accordance with the procedure set forth in Section 304B
of this subtitle, transfer its authority and rights under this section
to a board of trustees established by Section 304B of this subtitle,
shall be vested with the following powers:
(h) Entrance Requirements; Curricula. To determine entrance
requirements and to approve curricula, subject to minimum stand-
ards fixed by the State Department of Education until June 30, 1969
and thereafter by the State Board for Community Colleges. If such
minimum standards are not met, no certificate of approval shall be
issued by the State Department of Education or the State Board
for Community Colleges.
(1) Use of Land, Buildings, Etc. in Connection with Secondary
or Vocational Education Program. To permit the Board of Educa-
tion of the county or Baltimore City, as the case may be, to utilize
the lands, buildings, and any other facilities of the Community Col-
leges COMMUNITY COLLEGES in connection with any program
of secondary or vocational education administered by said Board of
Education, subject, however, until June 30, 1969, to the prior approval
of the State Superintendent of Schools, and thereafter of the State
Board of Community Colleges.
(a) The State Board of Education until June 30, 1969, and there-
after the State Board for Community Colleges may establish re-
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