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Session Laws, 1968
Volume 683, Page 768   View pdf image
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768                               LAWS OF MARYLAND                        CH. 452



In fiscal 1968-69 and in every fiscal year thereafter, there shall be
paid by every county to each incorporated municipality therein, an
amount of money equal to the amount received for fiscal 1967-68 by
such municipality under the provisions of repealed Section 30(d)
of Article 81, Annotated Code of Maryland, relating to apportion-
ment of shares taxes on banks and finance corporations.

Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That Section 341(d-2) of Ar-
ticle 66½, Annotated Code of Maryland (1967 Replacement Volume),
title "Motor Vehicles," subtitle "Offenses and Prosecutions," be and
it is hereby repealed and re-enacted, with amendments, to read as


(d-2) [Eighty-five per cent (85%)] Eighty per cent (80%) of
the salaries and expenses of the Department of Maryland State .Police
and of the State Police Retirement System of the State of Maryland
referred to in subsection (d) hereof shall be paid from the funds
received by the Department of Motor Vehicles pursuant to this sec-
tion. The remaining [fifteen per cent (15%)] twenty per cent (20%)
of the salaries and expenses of the Department of Maryland State
Police and of the State Police Retirement System shall be paid from
the general funds of the State.

Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That Section 220(b) of Article
77, Annotated Code of Maryland (1967 Supplement), title "Public
Education," subtitle "Chapter 20. Source and Distribution of Income,"
be and it is hereby repealed and re-enacted, with amendments; and
that Section 222A of said Article (1965 Replacement Volume), title,
and subtitle be and it is hereby repealed, and all to read as follows:


(b) For the school year 1967-68 and thereafter, the board of
education of each county and the mayor and city council of Baltimore
shall be entitled to, and shall be paid, each year in the manner and
subject to the limitations hereinafter provided, an amount to be
known as "State share of current expenses" which shall be calculated
as follows for each county and Baltimore City.

(1)    Current Expense Cost to Be Shared. The State shall share
in an adjusted expenditure for current expenses of $370 multiplied
by the number of pupils enrolled on September 30 of each year.

(2)    Adjustment for Increased Enrollment. An amount shall be
added to the product of (1) equal to $30.00 multiplied by an increase
in enrollment above September 30 of the preceding year. For fiscal
1967-68 only, there shall be added to the product of (1) an amount
equal to $30.00 multiplied by 50% of total enrollment of kindergarten
pupils enrolled as of September 30, 1967.

(3)    Adjustment for Prescribed Salaries and Staffing Level. The
total amount of prescribed salaries for each subdivision, as required
in sections 106, 148, and 159 shall be calculated for all employed
professional staff members allowed under section 159 (c). Any posi-
tive difference between this amount and the product of 45 staff


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Session Laws, 1968
Volume 683, Page 768   View pdf image
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