SPIRO T. AGNEW, Governor 735
(a) There shall be a Maryland Airport Zoning Board, consisting
of five (5) members ONE OF WHOM SHALL BE A RESIDENT
BALTIMORE CITY, who shall be appointed by the Governor with
the advice and consent of the Senate, and one of whom shall be desig-
nated as Chairman. The members of the Zoning Board shall serve
without compensation, but shall be reimbursed for necessary and
proper expenses incurred in the performance of their duties.
Of the members first appointed, one shall serve for one year, one
shall serve for two years, one shall serve for three years, and two
shall serve for four years. Their successors shall serve for terms of
four years. Vacancies on the Board shall be filled by the Governor to
complete the balance of the unexpired term.
(b) Powers transferred. Subject to the applicable rules, restric-
tions, guides and standards established by this section, all of the
power and authority conferred upon the Mayor and City Council
of Baltimore or Anne Arundel County by Section 16 of Article 1A
of the Annotated Code of Maryland to adopt, revise, administer and
enforce airport zoning regulations to protect the aerial approaches of
any airport located, in whole or in part, within the corporate limits of
Anne Arundel County is hereby delegated to the said Airport Zoning
Board; provided, however, that all said power and authority hereby
delegated to the said Airport Zoning Board and all other boards, com-
missions or other agencies mentioned in this subtitle shall be exer-
cised by them only in connection with airports located, in whole or
in part, in Anne Arundel County and owned by the State of Mary-
land. The said Airport Zoning Board, in exercising any or all of the
power and authority hereby delegated to it, shall at all times and in
all respects comply with all of the terms, conditions and provisions
contained in the aforementioned Article and in this subtitle.
(c) Employees; staff. The said Airport Zoning Board is hereby
authorized to appoint an Executive Secretary of said Board and
such other assistants and employees as may be necessary for the
proper performance of the duties and business of said Airport Zon-
ing Board, including the administration and enforcement of any and
all rules and regulations of said Airport Zoning Board, and all of
said appointments shall be made pursuant to the laws, rules and
regulations pertaining to or issued by the Maryland Airport Author-
ity. The said Executive Secretary and all other assistants and em-
ployees shall receive such compensation as may be authorized for
such purpose by the Maryland, Airport Authority. The Authority
shall furnish adequate office space for the proper functioning of
said Airport Zoning Board.
(d) Boundaries and regulations. In establishing boundaries of
airport zoning districts or in determining, adopting, amending, re-
vising, modifying, supplementing or changing any airport zoning
regulations or restrictions the Airport Zoning Board, for its guid-
ance, among other things, shall give consideration to the following:
(1) The character of the flying operations conducted or expected
to be conducted at the particular airport;
(2) The nature and topography of the terrain in the vicinity of
the particular airport;