throughout the State only under
the following conditions:
(a) Temporary work for the
alleviation of acute annoyance
by mosquitoes, such as fogging
town, applications by airplane
to certain areas where fogging
is impracticable or undesirable,
and the like, shall be undertaken
only upon the condition that the
municipality or special taxing
area involved shall agree in
writing to defray at least 50 per
cent of the total cost of such
temporary work, and
(b) Permanent work, such as
upland ditching, marsh ditch-
ing, filling, and the like shall be
undertaken only upon the con-
dition that the municipality or
special taxing area involved
shall agree in writing to defray
at least 25 per cent of the total
cost of such permanent work.
(c) The determination whether
any such work is of a tempo-
rary or permanent character so
as to fix the amount of the con-
tribution by the municipality or
special taxing area involved
shall be made by the State Ento-
mologist and the Director of
Services and Control, or by
some other official designated by
the State Board of Agriculture.
Special Fund Appropriation, pro-
vided that revenues in excess of
this estimate may be made avail-
able by approved budget amend-
ment and administered in ac-
cordance with law ...................... 345,200
Federal Funds, provided that
funds received in excess of this
estimate shall be available for
expenditure by the University
of Maryland upon notification
to the Director of Budget and
Procurement and the Comptrol-
ler of the Treasury on the forms
prescribed for budget amend-
ment ............................................ 37,500 2,217,779 Physical Plant Maintenance and Operation
General Fund Appropriation ........ 8,245,229
Special Fund Appropriation, pro-
vided that revenues in excess of