SPIRO T. AGNEW, Governor 561 University Hospital
General Fund Appropriation ........ 7,062,114
Special Fund Appropriation, pro-
vided that revenues in excess of
this estimate may be made avail-
able by approved budget amend-
ment and administered in ac-
cordance with law ...................... 10,528,078 17,590,192 Research
General Fund Appropriation ........ 3,933,942
Special Fund Appropriation, pro-
vided that revenues in excess of
this estimate may be made avail-
able by approved budget amend-
ment and administered in ac-
cordance with law ...................... 320,943
Federal Funds, provided that
funds received in excess of this
estimate shall be available for
expenditure by the University
of Maryland upon notification
to the Director of Budget and
Procurement and the Comptrol-
ler of the Treasury on the forms
prescribed for budget amend-
ment ............................................ 673,276 4,928,161 Extension Education
General Fund Appropriation ........ 2,045,535
Special Fund Appropriation, pro-
vided that revenues in excess of
this estimate may be made avail-
able by approved budget amend-
ment and administered in ac-
cordance with law ...................... 470,130
Federal Funds, provided that
funds received in excess of this
estimate shall be available for
expenditure by the University
of Maryland upon notification
to the Director of Budget and
Procurement and the Comptrol-
ler of the Treasury on the forms
prescribed for budget amend-
ment ............................................ 929,590 3,445,255 Public Services
General Fund Appropriation ........ 1,835,079
Of the amount of $1,835,079
hereby appropriated at least
$395,983 shall be made available
specifically for mosquito control
and for no other purpose, and of
this amount $278,385 shall be
expended for such control work