SPIRO T. AGNEW, Governor 5
be attached to the rear of the vehicle, and two registration plates
for every other motor vehicle.
(g) Upon application to the [Commissioners] Commissioner of
Motor Vehicles by the owner of any registered passenger motor
vehicle, beginning with the 1968-1969 registration year and accom-
panied with due proof that said owner is a bona fide member of the
Department of Maryland Disabled American Veterans of the United
States, and also upon certification to the Department of Motor
Vehicles by the department commander of the Disabled American
Veterans, State of Maryland, in office at the time of said application
that clearance has been made through his office and said request is
not in excess of the number of tags which the Commissioner of
Motor Vehicles may determine can be manufactured in conformity
with the combinations permissible under this article, and upon pay-
ment of all fees required by this article, the Department shall issue
for said passenger motor vehicle special registration plates upon
which shall be inscribed letters and numerals not less than three (3)
inches high and in strokes of not less than one-quarter (¼) inch in
width the letters DAV followed by appropriate letter and numerals
in lieu of the numerals required to be displayed on such registration
plates under other provisions of this article.
(b) The property owner or person with custody of the vehicle or
part may at any time after the expiration of the thirty-day period,
notify the owner or person entitled to possession that the vehicle or
part has been abandoned and warning that it will be sold unless it
is promptly claimed or removed. Upon failure to claim or remove the
vehicle or part or in the event the owner or other person cannot be
located, the property owner or person with custody of the vehicle or
part may proceed to sell it at a public or private sale. Before making
any sale, the property owner or person with custody of the vehicle
or part shall (1) obtain a certification, on forms prescribed by the
Department of Motor Vehicles, from any member of the State Police,
any county police department or any police department of a munici-
pality, stating that the vehicle or part apparently has a salvage value
only, and (2) send a notice of the sale at least ten (10) days prior
thereto by registered mail to the owner, any lien holder as shown on
the records of the Department of Motor Vehicles and any person
entitled to possession, if his address is known or can be reasonably
obtained, of the vehicle or part. No notice is required to be given
for a vehicle not registered with the Department of Motor Vehicles.
Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take effect
July 1, 1968.
Approved March 22, 1968.
(Senate Bill 56)
AN ACT to repeal and re-enact, with amendments, Sections 71, 73,
77, 78, 80 and 82 of Article 88A of the Annotated Code of Mary-