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Session Laws, 1968
Volume 683, Page 41   View pdf image
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SPIRO T. AGNEW, Governor                         41

of courts, registers of wills, and all collectors of the State taxes
of the State of Maryland, including the City of Baltimore, insofar
as they affect the collection of State taxes, shall not be destroyed
until such time as the requirements of Article 19, Sections 29
to 34, inclusive, relating to the audit of such books, accounts and
records by the State Auditor, shall have been complied with.


For the purposes of Section [178] 8, the following types of ma-
terial shall not be considered "records": printed books, magazines,
newspapers and other library or museum materials made or ac-
quired for reference or exhibition purposes, extra copies of docu-
ments preserved only for convenience of reference, stocks of pub-
lications, acceptances or refusals of invitations or engagements and
other personal business of public officers. From time to time the
Hall of Records Commission may further designate categories which
may be included within the definition of "nonrecord material." And
such nonrecord materials may be disposed of by the custodian when
he shall deem them to be no longer necessary for the operation of
his office.


(a) Whenever any agency, department, board, or commission of
the State of Maryland or of any county or incorporated municipality
thereof shall have photographed, photocopied, or microphotographed
all or any part of the records kept by it or under its control in a
manner and on film or paper that complies with the standard of
quality approved for permanent photographic records by the Hall
of Records Commission, and whenever such photographs, photocopies,
or microphotographs shall be placed in adequately accessible con-
tainers and provision made for preserving, examining, and using
the same in a manner approved by the Hall of Records Commis-
sion, the head of such agency, department, board, or commission
may, with the approval of the Archivist of the Hall of Records un-
der the provisions of Section [178] 8, of this subtitle, cause the
original records from which the photographs, photocopies, or micro-
photographs have been made, or any part thereof, to be disposed
of as the law provides.

Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take effect
July 1, 1968.

Approved March 22, 1968.

(House Bill 149)

AN ACT to repeal and re-enact, with amendments, Section 48 of Ar-
ticle 66 of the Annotated Code of Maryland (1964 Replacement
Volume and 1967 Supplement), title "Mortgages," subtitle "Sec-
ondary Mortgage Loan Law," amending the public lending laws in
order to correct erroneous wording therein.


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Session Laws, 1968
Volume 683, Page 41   View pdf image
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