SPIRO T. AGNEW, Governor 3
the position of Accountant III, as both positions are listed within the
classifications of the Standard Salary Board. The incumbent in the
position of Principal Account Clerk II, on the effective date of this Act
and provided he or she has held this classification and has been in the
service of the Legislative Accounting Office for not less than the
preceding six months, is transferred to this position of Accountant
III. The incumbent who is so transferred continues to hold and enjoy
with no diminution or impairment, all rights, privileges, and
responsibilities under Article 73B of the Code, title "Pensions."
Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That as of the effective date of
this Act, the position of Assistant Legislative Accountant, hitherto
temporarily in the service of the Legislative Accounting Office, be-
comes the permanent Assistant Legislative Accountant in the Legis-
lative Accounting Office, subject to the provisions of subsection (b)
of Section 62 of Article 40 of the Annotated Code as amended from
time to time. The incumbent who is so transferred continues to hold
and enjoy with no diminution or impairment, all rights, privileges,
and responsibilities under Article 73B of the Code, title "Pensions."
Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That this Act is hereby declared
to be an emergency measure and necessary for the immediate pres-
ervation of the public health and safety, and having been passed by
a yea and nay vote supported by three-fifths of the members elected
to each of the two houses of the General Assembly, the same shall
take effect from the date of its passage.
Approved March 22, 1968.
(Senate Bill 36)
AN ACT to repeal and re-enact with amendments Section 266-O(3)
of Article 41 of the Annotated Code of Maryland (1965 Replace-
ment Volume and 1967 Supplement), title "Executive and Admini-
strative Departments," subtitle "Department of Economic Develop-
ment," subheading "Maryland Industrial Development Financing
Authority Act" to include the construction, acquisition and im-
provement of certain tourist industry facilities in the definition
of "industrial project" under the Maryland Industrial Develop-
ment Financing Authority provisions, therefore providing that
loans for such tourist projects may be guaranteed INSURED by
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That Section 266-0 (3) of Article 41 of the Annotated Code of
Maryland (1965 Replacement Volume and 1967 Supplement), title
"Executive and Administrative Departments," subtitle "Department
of Economic Development," subheading "Maryland Industrial
Development Financing Authority," be and it is hereby repealed and
re-enacted with amendments to read as follows: