1968, Chapter 68—Somerset County—School Bonds
Office of the Secretary of State
of Maryland
Annapolis, Maryland
To the Clerk of the Court of Appeals:
I, C. Stanley Blair, Secretary of State of Maryland, pur-
suant to the direction contained in Section 23-11 (c) of Article 33 of
the Annotated Code of Maryland (1957 Edition), Do Hereby Certify,
That at a Special Election held in Somerset County, Maryland, on
May 14, 1968, an Act known as Chapter 68 of the Acts of the General
Assembly of Maryland of 1968, was submitted to the voters of Som-
erset County for their adoption or rejection under the provision of
Chapter 68 of the Acts of 1968, said Act being as follows:
"An Act to authorize and empower the Board of County Com-
missioners of Somerset County to issue and sell serial matu-
rity coupon bonds upon the full faith and credit of said
County in amount not in excess of Two Million Six-Hundred
Thousand Dollars ($2,600,000.00) for the purpose of build-
ing and equipping new secondary school buildings in Somerset
County and authorizing the Board of County Commissioners
of Somerset County to levy taxes on the assessable property
in said County to provide funds for the payment of principal
and interest as the same become payable, empowering said
County Commissioners to fix and determine, by resolution,
the form, tenor, interest rate or method of arriving at the
same, terms, including redemption and registration provi-
sions, conditions, maturities, and all other details incident
or necessary to the issuance, public sale and delivery of said
bonds, without reference to the provisions of Sections 9,
10, and 11 of Article 31 of the Code of Public General Laws
of Maryland; and providing that this Act be submitted for
the approval of the qualified voters of Somerset County, and
making this Act effective as an emergency act.
And I Do Certify, that at said election held in Somerset County,
1,520 votes were cast in favor of the adoption of Chapter 68 of the
Acts of 1968, and 3,105 votes were cast against the adoption of said
Chapter 68 of the Acts of 1968, the said Act has therefore failed of
In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto subscribed my
name and affixed my official Seal at the City of An-
napolis, this 6th day of June, 1968.
Secretary of State.