House Bill No. 966—Baltimore City—Bonds
AN ACT to authorize the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore
to create a debt, and to issue and sell its certificates of indebtedness
as evidence thereof, to an amount not exceeding five million dollars
($5,000,000.00), the proceeds derived from the sale of the certificates
of indebtedness to be used for the acquisition, by purchase, lease,
condemnation or any other legal means, of land or property, or any
rights or interests therein, in the City of Baltimore, and for develop-
ing, establishing, constructing, erecting, altering, expanding, enlarg-
ing, improving and equipping buildings, structures and other facil-
ities on, under or in said land or property, or on, under or in any
land or property that is now or hereafter may be owned or otherwise
held or controlled by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, or on,
under or in any land or property owned or otherwise held or con-
trolled by any private, public or quasi-public corporation, partner-
ship, association, person or other legal entity, for storing, parking
and servicing self-propelled vehicles, and for the payment of any and
all necessary or proper costs and expenses connected with, or incident
to doing any or all of the aforegoing acts or things; and such proceeds
may be used for any or all of the matters or things hereinbefore
mentioned in connection with an underground structure of facility
for storing, parking and servicing self-propelled vehicles (hereafter
called "parking facility") where another building, structure or facil-
ity (hereafter called "additional structure") is, to be or may be
established, constructed or erected in whole or in part above, under,
in connection with or adjacent to a parking facility, provided that
none of such proceeds shall be used for or in connection with the
construction or erection of such additional structure, or any part
thereof, or for strengthening or adding to a parking facility in any
manner necessitated by or in connection with the construction or
erection of such additional structure; provided, no petroleum products
shall be sold or offered for sale at any entrance to, or exit from,
any land so acquired or at any entrance to, or exit from, any
structure erected thereon, when any entrance to, or exit from, any
such land or structure faces a street or highway which is more than
25 feet wide from curb to curb; conferring certain power and author-
ity upon the Off-Street Parking Commission of Baltimore City; pro-
viding certain conditions which must be complied with before the
proceeds of the said certificates of indebtedness may be expended;
authorizing said municipality to submit an ordinance or ordinances
for said purpose to the legal voters of Baltimore City, and providing
generally for the issuance and sale of said certificates of indebtedness.
May 7, 1968.
Honorable Marvin Mandel
Speaker of the House of Delegates
State House
Annapolis, Maryland
Dear Mr. Speaker:
In accordance with Section 17 of Article II of the Maryland
Constitution, I have vetoed today House Bill 966 and am returning
it to you.