SPIRO T. AGNEW, Governor 1641
remainder of the Bill would not be affected in any event. Baltimore v.
A. S. Abell Co., 218 Md. 273 (1958).
It is also true that the title of the Bill refers to the licensing of
scrap processors along with wreckers whereas the Bill actually does
not provide for the licensing of scrap processors. However, we do not
view this inaccurate limitation in the title as being misleading in the
constitutional sense, but rather mere surplusage. Pressman v. State
Tax Comm., 204 Md. 78 (1954).
We trust this information will be helpful to you.
(s) Francis B. Burch,
Attorney General.
Senate Bill No. 560—Plumbing
AN ACT to repeal and re-enact, with amendments, Section 329
of Article 43 of the Annotated Code of Maryland (1965 Replacement
Volume), title "Health," subtitle "Plumbing," and to add new Section
333A to said Article, title, and subtitle, to follow immediately after
Section 333 thereof, relating generally to plumbing work and the
licensing thereof, appointment of members of the State Board of
Commissioners of Practical Plumbing, officers and procedures of the
State Board of Commissioners of Practical Plumbing. , providing for
a maintenance master plumber's license, requiring such a license for
the performance of plumbing repair, service, or maintenance work,
relating to fees charged by the Board and the issuance of licenses
on a reciprocal basis.
May 7, 1968.
Honorable William S. James
President of the Senate
State House
Annapolis, Maryland
Dear Mr. President:
In accordance with Section 17 of Article II of the Maryland
Constitution, I have vetoed today Senate Bill 560 and am returning
it to you.
This bill would require the approval of four members of the
board rather than three in order for an applicant to be granted a
certificate of competency and be registered as a practical plumber.
It also provides for Senate confirmation of appointments to the Board
of Commissioners of Practical Plumbing. The Board of Commission-
ers of Practical Plumbing has expressed its disapproval of the bill and
has indicated that the present method of selection will produce the
most qualified members. I am in agreement with them, and I there-
fore am compelled to veto this measure.
(s) Spiro T. Agnew,