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Session Laws, 1968
Volume 683, Page 1615   View pdf image
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SPIRO T. AGNEW, Governor                        1615

Whereas, The effect of widening the abutting eight lanes of pave-
ment, without also widening this three-mile pavement in Rock Creek
Park, would be to force a merger of eight lanes of traffic into six
lanes thereby increasing the risk of danger to vehicular traffic; and

Whereas, State monies for this construction have been allocated;
now, therefore, be it

Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the National
Capital Planning Commission and the Maryland National Capital
Park and Planning Commission be requested to take such steps as
are necessary to allow the Maryland State Roads Commission to
construct the additional two lanes to the three-mile section of Inter-
state Route 495 which passes through Rock Creek Park in Mont-
gomery County; and be it further

Resolved, That the Secretary of State is requested under the Great
Seal of the State of Maryland to send copies of this Joint Resolution
to each member of the Maryland delegation in the Senate and House
of Representatives of the Congress of the United States.

Approved May 7, 1968.

No. 43
(House Joint Resolution 49)

House Joint Resolution requesting the Advisory Committee to study
the modernizing of county government in Allegany County to add
recommendations concerning salaries to its agenda.

Whereas, On August 18,1967, the Board of County Commissioners
of Allegany County appointed an Advisory Committee to study the
modernizing of county government in Allegany County. The Chair-
man of this Committee is L. Leslie Helmer.

The members of the Allegany County Delegation in the General
Assembly of Maryland are proposing that an additional item be
added to the agenda of this Advisory Committee covering sugges-
tions made by the Grand Jury of Allegany County.

These suggestions were set out by the October 1967 Grand Jury,
being a recommendation that the members of the General Assembly
from Allegany County appoint a qualified committee to study and
recommend salary adjustments for all elected and appointed offices
having salaries established by law.

After consideration of this proposal, the Allegany County Dele-
gation in the General Assembly of Maryland feels that the study of
salary adjustments for these elected and appointed offices should
include a study of the salaries of all State and county employees in
Allegany County.

The members of the Allegany County Delegation further believe
that the Advisory Committee would be a proper forum for study and


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Session Laws, 1968
Volume 683, Page 1615   View pdf image
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