SPIRO T. AGNEW, Governor 1597
the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene; that because of the
extreme importance of the areas of special education and voca-
tional rehabilitation, they be represented on the Council by two
ex officio members not having voting privileges; that membership
on the Council need not be limited to departments represented on
the Council but may include other State agencies having a major
interest in a specific area of service and activity; and be it further
Resolved, That the Governor is requested that part of the executive
order establishing the Council should delegate to it the following
responsibilities: (1) to conduct joint study, planning, and program
development between and among departments; (2) to serve as an
organized medium of exchange of information among member
agencies and to develop specific solutions to problems concern-
ing each, to develop philosophies and policies that underline
their problem operations, to suggest the development of new pro-
grams in individual agencies that may relate to or possibly serve
or be served by operations in other agencies; (3) to consider new
aspects of problems of the handicapped facing the State and to
develop appropriate approaches or recommendations to the Gov-
ernor as indicated; (4) to establish a framework for interdepart-
mental consultation; (5) to study problems of personnel recruitment
and training in various professional disciplines utilized by depart-
ments; and be it further
Resolved, That in establishing the Council and fixing its duties,
the Governor is further requested to provide full time professional
and secretarial staff assistants; that by executive order the Gov-
ernor is requested to direct all departments and agencies of the
State which are participating in the work of the Council, to provide
for it such resources, including personnel assistance and data that
will enable the Council to carry on its activities properly; that he
direct the Council to meet once each month on a regularly scheduled
basis, to review its agenda, its activities and interdepartmental
problems pertinent to the work of the Council; that he appoint his
appropriate Program Executive as the Council's Chairman; and be
it further
Resolved, That as part of this activity the Governor is requested
to establish an Advisory Committee to the Council, to be composed
approximately of 12 members to be appointed by the Governor,
drawing on 6 persons pre-eminent in their professions but not
members of the Governor's Interdepartmental Council on the Handi-
capped or staff members of any other State agency, and including
a member of each House of the General Assembly of Maryland, at
at least one parent of a handicapped child, and other persons of
ability and distinction in the community; that of the members of
the Advisory Committee first appointed, four shall be appointed
for terms of one year, four shall be appointed for terms of two
years, four shall be appointed for terms of three years and as these
terms expire, all shall be for three years each; that the members
of the Advisory Committee be directed annually to elect one member
to serve as chairman; that the function of the Advisory Committee
shall be to act in advisory and consultative capacity to the Governor
through the Council; that members of the Advisory Committee
have no vote on the Council but shall be required to attend at least